  • 學位論文


The Impact of Rapid Transit Stations on Real Estate Prices in New Development Areas-Case Studies of Gangshan and Qiaotou Areas, Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 謝博明


本研究主要目的為探討捷運站設立對都市新興發展地區之岡山區及橋頭區捷運站周邊住宅價格之影響,首先利用2007年至2010年,內政部地政司所公佈之住宅交易價格及「高雄縣建築開發商業同業公會」開工統計表等資料,探討住宅價格在空間上之分布與聚集;之後對岡山區及橋頭區捷運影響範圍800公尺及600公尺內,進行各捷運站對於住宅價格影響程度分析;最後利用特徵價格法,計算出各屬性變數對於住宅價格之影響,進而分析高雄捷運在近四年對於高雄市岡山區及橋頭區住宅價格之影響程度。 研究結果顯示,逐年檢視2007-2010年中古屋空間分布變化及價格空間聚集,發現研究範圍內四年間中古屋市場現況,可知中古屋較多分布於火車站周圍商業區,而隨著捷運站營運後,中古屋開始於捷運站區周圍分布。另外,住宅交易價格樣本分布在二地區都存在顯著的空間相依性,及空間上亦有顯著的高低價位住宅聚集的現象。再者,由地區型空間自我相關得知,高價格住宅聚集地區均為火車站周邊商圈。低價格住宅聚集地區均為距離捷運站較遠之偏遠地區、交通設施不便及生活機能不完善等地區。而比較捷運站對周邊住宅價格影響之變化,二地區均呈現並無因為至捷運站距離較遠,而價格隨著減少情形,其次,不同分區的捷運站周邊住宅價格之情形,高價住宅並非全部分布於600公尺及800公尺範圍內,也非越接近捷運站其高價住宅數量也越多,可能是捷運站周邊住宅價格與自身區位條件較有關連,因此造成捷運站設立對住宅價格影響並不明顯。最後,從四年度特徵價格實證結果發現,捷運站設立營運對住宅價格影響顯著程度因地區而有所不同。綜論而言,大眾捷運系統對於地區發展會有程度上效益之提升,但會因為地區本身條件不同而有所差異,並非在所有地區的房價提升要素上皆扮演最重要與關鍵之角色。 本研究之貢獻性在於配合高雄市捷運系統營運後,岡山區及橋頭區其周邊住宅價格變動及空間分布與變化,有助於未來能更精確評估捷運系統於都市新興發展地區的影響效益,並可提供該兩地區建商或民眾在進行不動產投資時的區位選擇參考。


This study analyzes the impact of rapid transit stations (Metro Stations) on real estate prices in new development areas-case studies of Gangshan and Qiaotou areas,the data comes from housing transaction price database from 2007 to 2010,explore the distribution and accumulation of housing prices in the space. Gangshan and Qiaotou area Metro Stations range of 800 meters and 600 meters, the Metro Stations for the impact of housing prices.Last use of the hedonic price method, the calculation of each attribute variable for housing price, and then analyzes the Kaohsiung Metro in the past four years for the attainment of the Kaohsiung City Gangshan and Qiaotou areas housing prices. The results show that, year after year to view the 2007-2010 Houses in the spatial distribution of change and the price of spatial correlated,known houses in more at the train station around the business aeras, with the Metro Stations operating, Houses in the beginning to the Metro Stations around distribution.Housing prices are significantly spatial correlated.Higher housing prices are concentrated around Metro stations in inner business aeras while lower housing prices are concentrated around stations in outskirt areas.There is no significant difference among Gangshan and Qiaotou areas regarding the effect of Metro stations on adjacent housing prices.In conclusion, the MRT System will upgrading the degree of regional development, but will vary the conditions of the regions, not play a most important key to enhance the conditions of housing prices in all regions. The contribution of this study is to figure out the changes in the spatial allocation of housing prices adjacent to Kaohsiung Metro Stations and to compare their differences among Gangshan and Qiaotou areas. The results would be useful to guide to homebuyers as well as real estate developers in their investment decision making.




劉國良(2014)。社區運動性社團參與動機對團體氣氛與運動承諾影響之研究-以 台中市海線地區為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-2611201410183831
