  • 學位論文


Exposure Measurements of Bisphenol-A for Workers in a Plastic Molding Factory

指導教授 : 吳俊德


本研究將針對塑膠射出成型製造廠作業勞工,以空氣暴露採樣和生物偵測樣本的收集,測定作業勞工丙二酚暴露。主要研究目的為描繪作業勞工丙二酚外在暴露濃度及內在暴露劑量,並區分作業勞工丙二酚總暴露劑量可歸因於非職業和職業暴露劑量的比例。本研究對於每位作業勞工,採集8小時工作輪班的個人氣膠暴露樣本及上工前、工作中和下工後的尿液樣本,以測定外在與內在暴露,所有收集以氣相層析質譜系統分析其丙二酚含量。為了瞭解非職業的丙二酚暴露情形,設計一份問卷針對作業勞工塑膠瓶裝飲料飲用和容器使用情形進行詳細調查。本研究一共獲得製程作業現場空氣測定樣本63個,一般行政區域15個;製程區域和行政區域丙二酚暴露測定濃度算術平均值分別為125.53和4.67 g/m3,二者間呈現統計上顯著差異(p值<0.001),顯示製程作業勞工暴露於顯著量的丙二酚。另外,本研究一共獲得暴露組作業勞工上工前和下工後尿液樣本各120個,非暴露組作業勞工尿液樣本15個,非暴露組一般族群尿液樣本55個。分析結果發現暴露組上工前丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為53.36 g/g Cr,下工後丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為25.57 g/g Cr,上工前與下工後合併丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為40.96 g/g Cr;非暴露組作業勞工尿液樣本丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為6.09 g/g Cr,非暴露組一般族群尿液樣本丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為9.36 g/g Cr,非暴露組兩組合併丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值為8.66 g/g Cr。執行暴露組作業勞工上工前和下工後丙二酚測定濃度算術平均值配對樣本t檢定,結果發現二者間達統計上顯著差異,且二者間存在中度相關(r=0.50),且達統計上顯著意義(p值<0.001)。暴露組作業勞工上工前和下工後丙二酚測定濃度的平均值與非暴露組作業勞工與一般族群合併的測定濃度平均值,也顯示達統計上顯著差異,說明塑膠射出成型製造廠作業勞工因從事塑膠射出成型製造確實遭受高於一般族群的丙二酚暴露。因此建議:(1)未來應持續執行此產業作業勞工丙二酚暴露的測定和評估;(2)丙二酚職業暴露勞工健康影響的流行病學研究(如:干擾性荷爾蒙、男性精子品質問題等),以釐清其暴露效應關係;(3)一般族群由各種暴露途徑所遭受的丙二酚暴露應該予以擴大調查,以利區分職業和非職業丙二酚暴露的貢獻百分比;(4)執行丙二酚暴露的健康風險危害評估,以為制訂丙二酚暴露管制標準提供有用資訊。


In this study the workers in a plastic injection molding factory were recruited for measuring their bisphenol-A (BPA) exposure by taking air and biological monitoring samples. The objectives of this study were to characterize the external concentrations and internal doses of BPA exposure and to distinguish the contributions of the non-occupational and occupation sources to total BPA exposure dose for the workers. For each worker, environmental aerosol samples of his (her) work area and pre-, during- and post-shift urine samples in a regular eight-hour workday were collected to estimate the external and internal exposures. The amount of BPA in the collected samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. To understand the non-occupational BPA exposure, a questionnaire was administered to collect the information of drinking plastic bottled drinks and the usage of plastic containers. A total of 63 and 15 air samples were collected from the manufacturing process and administration areas, respectively. The arithmetic means of BPA concentrations for these two areas were 125.53 and 4.67 g/m3. The difference between these two means was statistically significant (p-value < 0.001). This indicated that the workers engaging in the processes of plastic injection molding were significantly exposed to BPA. In addition, A total of 120, 15 and 55 urine samples were obtained from the exposed workers, non-exposed workers and general population, respectively. The analytical results of the urine samples showed that the arithmetic means of BPA concentrations of the pre-shift, post-shift and both-shift combined urine samples for the exposed workers were 53.36, 25.57 and 40.96 g/g Cr. The arithmetic means of BPA concentrations of the non-exposed worker, general population and both-group combined urine samples for the non-exposed workers were 6.09, 9.36 and 8.66 g/g Cr. The result of conducting a paired-t test for the pre- and post-shifts BPA urine concentrations of the exposed workers showed a statistically significant difference; and a moderate statistically significant correlation was observed (r=0.50 and p-value <0.001). The difference of the urinary BPA mean concentrations between the exposed-workers and the non-exposed workers and general population was statistically significant. This demonstrated that the workers engaging in the processes of plastic injection molding were really exposed to higher BPA concentrations than those of the non-exposed workers and general population. Therefore, we suggested:(1) the BPA exposure measurements for the workers be performed continuously; (2) epidemiological studies, e.g., interference of sex hormone, male sperm quality, etc., be conducted for the workers; (3) the intake of BPA from other sources be investigated to clarify the contribution of non-occupational exposure; (4) a health risk analysis be conducted to provide useful information for setting up a BPA regulation standard.


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