  • 學位論文


Cost-benefit assessment of detached green building

指導教授 : 紀雲曜


近年來由於世界人口增加,地球資源日漸耗盡,能源與生態環境問題日趨嚴重,民眾生態意識逐漸抬頭,將資源發揮到最大利用效益與減少製造廢棄物的綠建築的概念因應而生。全世界的人在生活中用在居住的建築物,它每年消耗的電量占總用電量的40% (EPBD, 2002),以英國建築物而言,每年消耗約全國50%的能源及原料及40%的資源(Edward, 1998),因此,也可以說建築物的耗能佔用了地球大量的資源。 台灣民間綠建築的推行案例過少,其原因可能是民眾在綠建築的利用上認知不足。因此,本研究基於台灣綠建築評估系統(EEWH系統),透過參考文獻及問卷調查,考慮綠建築的效益並將主要效益因子進行效益評估並以台南市透天住宅案例說明方法及應用,內容包括建築的細項成本及效益的估算與評估,希望有助於台灣綠建築的理論與實務工作。 本文透過文獻及問卷的調查確定其主要效益因子,並由傳統建築之案例成本,評估量化成為綠建築案例成本。最後,在傳統建築及綠建築兩種不同情境下,進行成本及效益評估。問卷分析結果發現,對綠建築的認知程度最高的為二氧化碳的排放量與採用節能(省水省電)的設備。因此,以這兩項變數,做案例研究的調查。案例以台南市某棟透天住宅為例,進行傳統建築與綠建築成本單價分析、二氧化碳排放量分析以及節能(省水省電)分析。由本文案例研究結果顯示: 一、本研究住宅案例,分別以傳統施工工法及綠建築施工工法估算其案例之工程成本。傳統建築案例的總營建工程費為新台幣32,593,251元,若採用綠建築技術手法與材料,將提高總營建工程費的5.6%,總營建工程費為新台幣34,410,139元。 二、本研究將案例建築物軀體分為結構體工程、室內裝修工程、鋁門窗工程以及水電工程等四部分作二氧化碳排放量的估 算。傳統工法與綠建築工法之CO2排放量總和分別為1,178,301 kg 和1,150,771 kg ,單位面積CO2排放量分別為1257.4 kg/m2和1225.4 kg/m2。由此可知,綠建築工法可以有效減少27,530 kg之總CO2排放量,即29.3 kg/m2之單位面積CO2排放量。 三、在節能(省水省電)計算部分,可得知在日常生活節能上採用綠建築的工法技術下,一年可節省113 m3的水量;6,386 KWh/yr的電能,一年所節省之水電費合計為16,872元。若以一棟50年限之建築物計算,則可省下843,600元之水電費。 根據上述本研究結果分析,顯示綠建築工法雖在建築成本上增加5.6%,但在CO2排放量及節能省電上有顯著的效益表現。另外,民眾對綠建築仍有顯著的認同度,此將有助於未來綠建築推廣工作之參考。 關鍵字:綠建築、透天住宅、成本、效益


綠建築 透天住宅 成本 效益


In recent years, as the world population increases, the resources of Earth become depleted, and energy and environmental problems become more serious. The ecological consciousness of the public gradually rises. People will use resources to maximize efficiency and reduce manufacturing waste using green building concepts are yielded. 40% of electricity consumption in the whole world which is total annual consumption of energy is by living in the buildings of residence (EPBD, 2002). The buildings in British, as an example, the annual consumption of resources are about 50% of the national energy and raw materials and 40% of the resources (Edward, 1998). Therefore, it can be said that the energy consumption of buildings takes up a huge amount of resources of Earth. The cases of green building of private implementation are few in Taiwan; it may be due to lack of public consciousness on using of green building. Therefore, this study is based on Green Building Certification System in Taiwan (EEWH system), which is through references and questionnaires. We consider the benefits of green building, the main benefits and benefit evaluation factors of detached house of case in Tainan using illustration methods and applications, which Include estimates and assessments building breakdown of costs and benefits. And we wish to contribute the theory and practice work of green building in Taiwan. The main factor to determine the effectiveness of this paper is through references and questionnaires. And by the case of cost of traditional architecture, we assess green building to quantify which become cases of costs. Finally, in two different conditions, the traditional architecture and green building, we assess cost and benefit. From questionnaire analysis, we found that consciousness of green building is the highest carbon dioxide emissions and uses of energy-saving (water-saving) equipment. Therefore, we use these two variables to do this case study. Certain building, detached house, in Tainan is an example. We do the traditional architecture and green building cost price analysis, and analysis of carbon dioxide emissions and energy efficiency (water-saving) analysis. In this paper, results from case studies are showing as following: 1. The case of this research house, respectively the traditional construction method and green building construction method estimate the project cost of its case. Traditional building construction project costs total of NT$ 32,593,251 in this cases, and using green building techniques and materials technology, will increase 5.6 percent of the total construction project costs, with a total construction project cost is NT $ 34,410,139. 2. In this study, we estimate the case into four parts which are: the body structure of the building engineering, interior decoration engineering, aluminum doors and windows engineering, and water & electricity engineering of carbon dioxide emissions. Respectively, traditional construction methods and green building construction methods of the total amount of CO2 emissions were 1,178,301 kg and 1,150,771 kg, CO2 emissions per unit area was 1257.4 kg/m2 and 1225.4 kg/m2. From this, green building construction method can effectively reduce the total CO2 emissions of 27,530 kg, namely 29.3 kg/m2 per unit area of CO2 emissions. 3. In energy conservation (water-saving) computing section, people can use in daily life that saving green building technology construction method, and can save 113 m3 of water; 6,386 KWh/yr of electricity in a year; total water and electricity savings of the year is NT$16,872. In terms of building 50 years of computing, people can save utilities NT$843,600 each. According to the analysis of results of this study, it shows that although green building construction methods increased 5.6% in construction costs, the performance on CO2 emissions and energy saving have significant benefits. In addition, people on green building are still a significant recognition, and this will help to promote future reference of green building. Key Words: green building, detached house, cost, benefit


green building detached house cost benefit


歐文生、林憲德 (2004),「住宅及辦公建築室內裝修二氧化碳減量評估」,建築學報,第47期,頁77-88。
歐文生、郭伯巌、趙又嬋與林憲德 (2007),「台灣建築物生命週期水電管線二氧化碳排放量之研究」,嘉南學報,第33期,頁187-197。


