  • 學位論文


The Research on the Key Factors of the function of Prison Corrective Treatments and Rehabilitational and Educational Programs

指導教授 : 王正華


摘要 監獄矯正處遇作為之目的在於使受刑人知錯悔改向上,適應社會生活,期許重新更生,並能減少再犯罪的情形,以降低整體犯罪率與再犯率,其中教化作為在矯正處遇中佔有重要地位。而教化作為涵括項目相當廣泛多元,因此,本研究採取問卷調查法,並歸納整理相關文獻資料,探討現行主要教化措施。 本研究運用德菲法,以腦力激盪方式,排除以管理目的及法律規定要件之假釋與累進處遇制度,並釐出目前現行教化措施之「輔導、教育、文康」三面向及其十三項評估作為,問卷調查對象為學者専家與教誨師,採用AHP層級分析法及IPA重要度─表現分析法,自行設計學者専家與教誨師問卷來探討教化功能關鍵因素之排序。 研究結果發現在學者専家問卷運用AHP分析所得矯正處遇教化措施三面向中以「輔導處遇」最為重要,其次為「教育處遇」,第三為「文康處遇」。其次在十三項評估作為分析整體權重之排序如下:1.個別輔導,2.宗教輔導,3.品格教育,4.生命教育,5.専題講座,6.法治教育,7.集體輔導,8.懇親活動,9.學校教育,10.才能藝術,11.藝文欣賞,12.康樂活動,13.類別輔導。 再者就教誨師問卷運用IPA分析所得在十三項評估作為中僅有5個項目「個別輔導、生命教育、品格教育、法治教育、懇親活動」獲得重要性與表現程度的高度評價,其餘8個項目「宗教輔導、専題講座、集體輔導、學校教育、才能藝術、藝文欣賞、康樂活動、類別輔導」所得分數未能同時獲得重要與表現的高認同度。 關鍵字:矯正機關、矯治處遇、教化、受刑人


監獄 教化


Abstract The purpose of prison corrective treatments is to make inmates repent and turn over a new leaf, and to eventually minimize recidivism and overall crime rate. Rehabilitational and educational programs, which include a wide range of categories, have been found to play an important role in prison corrective treatments. Hence, this study uses the the questionnaire survey and consults related literature to investigate how these prison rehabilitational and educational programs are working in current systems. In this study, we use the Delphi Method to evaluate the 13 categories from the 3 dimensions of “Couseling, Education and Cultural and Recreational Activity” in the current prison rehabilitational and educational programs, excluding parole and progressive correction systems that are management-oriented and statutory. To explore the ranking of these categories, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) are employed to design 2 types of questionnaires, one for scholars and experts and the other for counselors of rehabilitation and education. The study shows: on the scholar and expert part, AHP reveals that among the 3 dimensions (Counseling, Education, Cultural and Recreational Activity), Counseling has the top priority while Education comes in second and Cultural and Recreational Activity, the third. And the weights analysis ranking of the 13 categories evaluated are (in descending order of importance): 1. Individual Counseling 2. Religious Counseling 3. Moral Education 4. Life Education 5. Seminars 6. Legal Education 7. Group Counseling 8. Family Visiting Activity 9. School Education 10. Talent and Art 11. Cultural Activity Appreciation 12. Recreation Activity 13. Category Counseling. The study also shows: on the couselor part, IPA discloses that only 5 categories (Individual Counseling, Moral Education, Life Education, Legal Education, Family Visiting Activity) rank high in both Importance and Acceptance while the rest 8 categories (Religious Counseling, Seminars, Group Counseling, School Education, Talent and Art, Cultural Activity Appreciation, Cultural and Recreational Activity, Category Counseling) do not. Key words:correctional institution,corrective treatment, rehabilitation and education,inmates serving prison sentence


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