  • 學位論文


A Study on the Farmers' Assocation's Business Management of Root Crop Agricultural Enterprise in Dou-nan Township

指導教授 : 陳憲明


摘要 加入WTO後政府逐步開放農產貿易自由化,為了求供需平衡,推動輪作、休耕。休耕補貼獎勵金、放寬農地自由買賣及租賃之下,休耕與轉作面積逐年增擴大。另一個會休耕重要原因是農業勞動人力老化。要解決這些問題首要條件是農業機械化,但是小農為主的台灣,另一條件就是整合農地。最後要種些什麼作物才適合機械耕種又能賣出好價錢! 在《商業周刊》和《天下雜誌》的文章提到斗南鎮農會以企業化理念來經營根莖作物,創造斗南經驗,如此引發了研究的興趣,我們採用質性研究法進行研究,以深度訪談法為主,觀察法為輔。想了解斗南鎮農會建立的中衛體系,核心農場能否發展栽培作業標準程序;衛星農場能否擴大生產規模?委託契作和代耕制度,是否能積極推動農地區塊整合?農產品生產履歷制度,是否能提高品質、提高市場競爭力?策略聯盟,能否達成同業聯盟、異業聯盟,替代進口量和擴張出口量?以高價承租農地和保證價格收購農產品,農友實際收益是否高於休耕領取的補助金?本研究得到以下結論。 一、以建立委託契作和代耕制度來看農地整合、農耕機械化 就馬鈴薯來說,馬鈴薯的產區全部集中斗南鎮,農會成立代耕中心,發揮小地主大佃農實施農地代耕。就胡蘿蔔來說,胡蘿蔔的產區分散在三縣七個鄉鎮,農會實施委托契作,一方面選擇彰化縣二林、芳苑全部契作,使用農機,降低成本和價格保證;另一方面選擇雲林縣四湖、東勢和臺南縣將軍、西港、佳里,採用部份契作收購合格品方式,藉以轉變成大農經濟。斗南鎮農會無論是建立委託契作還是代耕制度,都有整合零碎耕地成為大農地。因為有整合,所以在實施農耕機械化較有效能。 二、由中衛體系來看核心農場的栽培作業標準程序、衛星農場的擴大生產 以馬鈴薯來論,利用代耕隊經營的核心農場,了解栽培過程,訂定栽培作業標準程序,精算栽培成本,建構栽培藍圖。透過栽培藍圖,協助衛星農場的栽培,衛星農場會配合農會的生產計劃。以胡蘿蔔來論,利用代耕隊在斗南鎮租地經營核心農場了解栽培過程,訂定栽培作業標準程序,精算栽培成本,指導彰化、雲林、台南三地衛星農場,擴張生產規模。 三、實行生產履歷制度來看農產品的品質提高、市場競爭力提升 斗南鎮農會實施農產品生產履歷制度,在內銷上成功打進品質管制較嚴格的楓康連鎖超市、大潤發,甚至全國35家家樂福的胡蘿蔔都是採用斗南鎮農會的胡蘿蔔。在外銷上有日本、香港通路,經過嚴格藥物殘留檢驗,農會出貨香港時期每天都有固定有2個貨櫃。農會出貨日本會做產期調節,避開日本產季。 四、實行策略聯盟來探討同業聯盟、異業聯盟 以自己的代耕隊所經營的農場為核心農場,了解栽培生產的標準程序和成本。再以這套藍圖審核同業是否值得合作成為斗南鎮農會長期配合的衛星農場。如此一來,農會在同業聯盟方面能擴大生產量來調度應付出口的數量與品質。在異業聯盟農會也有很好的成績,自創品牌在網路行銷馬鈴薯精力濃湯、馬鈴薯糙米粥;鄉土特產、超商通路結合提升斗南鎮農會的馬鈴薯知名度,農會委託華元食品股份有限公司製造之外,還結合宜蘭三星香蔥、南投信義鄉甘梅、屏東車城洋蔥等農特產,經全國7-11便利商店行銷全國;結合全國家樂福行銷斗南鎮農會的胡蘿蔔。 五、由高價承租農地和保證價格收購農產品來看農民的實際收益 在斗南鎮農會相關結構下的農民有3種,依實際收益來說,有些資金又有志於農業的年輕人可往擁有小型農企業發展,以知識、專業賺利潤;年齡偏高體力較佳的年長者,可與斗南鎮農會或是小型農企業契作,以勞力賺錢;年齡偏高體力不佳的年長者,純粹出租農地給斗南鎮農會,賺高於休耕獎勵。




Abstract After join the World Trade Organization (WTO), Taiwanese government gradually lower the regulation of agricultural trade. In addition, in order to balance the supplement and demand, the governmental policy encourages crop rotation and fallow. Because of the fallow subsidy and the lower regulation of selling and leasing farmland, the area of fallow and farmland converting enlarges every year. Besides, aging population is one of the reasons to have fallow. Utilizing agricultural machinery and integrating farmlands is necessary to solve those problems. Then, farmers have to figure out a proper crop which is valuable and suitable for agricultural machinery. The Dou-nan experience, farming root crop agriculture with enterprise principles by Dou-nan Farmers’ Association, was reported by Business Weekly and CommonWealth, inspired my interest to conduct this study. This study applies qualitative approaches, mainly deep interview while observation is the adding approach. This study focuses on those questions: Can the system of central-satellite factory and core farm built by Dou-nan develop standard of procedure for agriculture? Can contract farming and farming replacement effectively improve farmland integration? Can Agriculture and Food Traceability System increase the quality and market competitive strength? Can strategic alliance develop industry alliance or cross-industry alliance, and then expend the exportation to cover the shortage of importation? Are farmers earn benefit higher from renting the farmland or signing guarantee price contract than the subsidy during fallows? This study came out the following conclusions. 1. The Effect of Contract Farming and Farming Replacement: Farmland Integration and Agricultural Mechanization. In terms of potato planting, all potato farms are located in Do-nan Township, while the Dou-nan Farmers’ Association set up a farming replacement center to practice farming replacement, providing small landlords larger benefits. Take carrot as another example, the producing area distributes in seven townships in three counties. To solve this problem, the Farmers’ Association practices contract farming. On one hand, they apply general contract farming and utilize agricultural machinery in Er-lin Township and Fang-Yuan Township in Chang-Hua County to decrease the cost and to get guarantee price. On the other hand, they apply partial contract farming in Sih-hu Township and Tung-shih Township in Yun-lin County, and Jiang-jyun Township, Shi-gang Township, and Jia-li Township in Tainan County, buying their qualified crops. This strategy helps them to create large agricultural economy. Either contract farming or farming replacement, Dou-nan Farmers’ Association integrates fragmentary farmlands into larger farms. Because of the integration, the use of agricultural machinery could be more effective. 2. The Center-satellite system, Standard Operating Procedure in Core farms and the expending production of satellite farms. On the farming of potato, the core farm operated by farming replacement team, contributes to the process of planting, making a standard operating procedure, controlling the cost, and drawing a farming instruction. Through the farming instruction, the satellite farms cooperate to fulfill the product plan. Take carrot as an instance, the farming replacement team in Dou-nan builds a core farm, and instructs satellite farms in Chang-Hua County, Yun-lin County, and Tainan County to extend the scale of production. 3. Agriculture and Food Traceability System improves the quality and Competitive strength Dou-nan Farmers’ Association practices Agriculture and Food Traceability System, which helps them to get into high-regulated market such as Taiwan Fresh Supermarket and RT mart. Even all 35 Carrefour markets in Taiwan use carrots from Dou-nan Farmers’ Association. In terms of the exportation, there are Japan and Hong Kong markets. Two containers are regularly shipped to Honk Kong every day under strict pesticide residues test. The shipment to Japan is adjusted to avoid the productive season. 4. Strategy Alliance, Industry Alliance and Cross-industry Alliance. Dou-nan Farmers’ Association build its own core farm be the farming replacement team, understanding the SOP and cost of farming. Then, based on the instruction, they can evaluate other farms whether they are qualified to play the role of satellite farms to co-operate with Dou-nan Farmers’ Association as long-term partners. As a result, the Farmers’ Association is able to expend the production to fulfill both the amount and the quality. The Farmers’ Association also gets good result in cross-industry alliance. They sell potato instant soup on line with their own branding. Besides, the channel in convenient store boosts their reputation. The Farmers’ Association asks Hwa Yuan Foods to conduct food processing, includes other Agricultural products such as spring onion of San-shiang Township, plum of Shin-I Township, and onion of Che-cheng Township. The crops are sold to every seven-eleven convenient store around the nation. The carrot of Dou-nan Township is sold in every Carrefour stores. 5. High-price Farmland Rental, Price Guarantee and Farmers’ Profit The farmers could be divided into three groups in Dou-nan Farmers’ Association. First, young people with capital and determination on agriculture head to small-scale agricultural enterprises, earning profit with their knowledge and profession. Second, senior farmer with physical strength could contract with Dou-nan Farmers’ Association or similar agricultural enterprises as labor. Third, aged people who do not have physical strength rent Dou-nan Farmers’ Association their land and get fallow subsidy.




7. 周廷光,《蔬菜》,台北:淑馨出版社,1987。
8. 周廷光,《蔬菜》,台北:淑馨出版社,1987。
1. 台中區農情月刊編輯室,〈馬鈴薯的小常識 〉,《台中區農情月刊》,第10期。
2. 行政院農業委員會統計室(2000):88年農業統計年報,89年版,行政院農


