  • 學位論文

國小教師休閒運動參與動機與阻礙因素之研究 --以台南市崇明國小為例

A Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Motivation and Constraints Factor in Leisure and Sports Activities by Teachers in Tainan Municipal Chongming Elementary School

指導教授 : 顏義文


摘 要 本研究旨在了解國小教師休閒運動參與動機及阻礙因素,採普查方式,以台南市崇明國小全體教師為調查對象,有效問卷195份,有效回收率達100%。使用描述性統計分析,配合質性研究的訪談與觀察紀錄,進行資料分析,歸納結論如下: 一、 國小教師從事休閒運動的習慣每週參與2~3次者佔最多數;每次參與的平均時間以2小時最多;以家人為同伴者最多;交通工具以徒步為最多;以個人操作練習者為主;平均每月花費以2,000元以下為最多。 二、 參與動機之影響程度由高至低為:自我成就、他人影響及自我 需求;阻礙因素之影響程度由高至低為:個人因素、體能因素、 人際因素及環境因素。 三、 不同性別在參與動機之差異性,男性與女性均無顯著差異;阻 礙因素方面,女性在參與動機之「環境因素」均比男性更為認 同。分析婚姻狀況在休閒運動參與動機之差異性,未婚在「自 我成就」與「自我需求」均比已婚更為認同;阻礙因素方面, 男性與女性在各因素構面均無顯著差異。 最後針對教育行政主管機關與學校當局、教師個人以及未來後續研究者,提出幾點具體可行的建議。


ABSTRACT This study of elementary school teachers’ motivation and constraints factor in leisure and sports activities by teachers in Tainan Municipal Chongming Elementary School. This study attempted to investigate the elementary school teachers’ motivation and constraints factor in leisure and sports activities. “Elementary School Teachers’ Participation Motivation and Constraints Factor in Leisure and Sports Activities Questionnaire" was used. Factor analysis, t-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients analysis were used for the major statistical techniques.The qualitative methods, including interview, observation, writing of teachers'recreation journals, and document collection, were adopted. After the data were collected in 6 months, the analysis and discussion of the result ofresearch were conducted, and some findings obtained by synthetical andinductive methods were as follows: The results indicated: 1.Sport and lecture behavior analysis:regular doing sports and cture were 50%, and usually in Saturday and Sunday.; The timing of sports and lecture were holiday、off-work and evening; most of participants usually doing sports and lecture in two hours with family by walk. The ways of doing sports and lecture is personal operating practice and spend $3,000 NT dollars in average. 2. The lecture and sports participate motivation have extract 3factor elements. There are “Self Achievements”, “Influence from others” and “Self Demand”;The constraints Factor in leisure and sports activities have extract 4factor elements. There are “Personal Factor”, “hysical Factor”, “Interpersonal Factor” and “Enviroment Factor”. 3.The Independent Sample T Test could analysis the different between sex and lecture and s Physical Factor ports participate motivation. The result was indicated no different between male and female. In constraints factor in leisure and sports activities, the female in participate motivation’s environment factor were better than male. The different between marriage and participate motivation were shown single in ”Self Achievements” and “Self Demand” batter than married.; The male and female were no different in constraints factor in leisure and sports activities. Based on the results, this study suggests to elementary school teachers, school administrators, governors respecpively, and the future study.


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對策之研究。台北: 行政院體育委員會。
行政院體育委員會、中華民國體育學會 (2000)。休閒活動專書。
