  • 學位論文


The evaluation model study of substation’s location decision

指導教授 : 紀雲曜


公共設施的提供,不僅能滿足地區居民或機構之運輸、遊憩、教育醫療、衛生通訊、能源等方面的需求,直接或間接地影響地方公共健康及福利,更可影響都市未來發展結構型態及方向。變電所為生活不可或缺但具有鄰避特徵之公共設施,但台灣近幾十年以來,因經濟的高度成長與政治的民主化,使許多因經濟掛帥而犧牲的環境與土地使用問題接踵而來,因土地利用產生負外部效果而導致之衝突事件層出不窮,變電所設置產生的衝突充斥在全省各地大大小小的鄉鎮之中,原因在於地區居民對於變電所設置地點的不認同進而反對設置,由此可知變電所設置區位合理的選評為變電所是否可順利興建之關鍵。 本研究以減緩衝突之觀點,以安全、經濟及公平之原則,進行變電所區位選址評估模式之探討。首先藉由理論與相關文獻之探討、分析及歸納,研擬變電所區位選址考量因子項目,透過「修正式德爾菲法」進行因子篩選,以確定因子項目暨層級架構,其次透過層級分析法,計算因子權重及確立評估因子層級架構,最後據此進行實證分析。研究結果顯示,變電所區位選址評估模式之架構中,目標層為變電所區位選址最佳方案,評估項目包括二個層級,第一層級包括「安全品質」、「經濟與效率」及「社會公平」等三項;第二層級包括「設施區位是否曾發生自然災害」、「設施是否位於斷層帶」、「用地臨路狀況」、「週圍土地使用分區與未來發展」、「視覺協調」、「工程成本」、「設置範圍內用電成長情形是否符合開發效益」、「行政配合度」、「輸電線路施設難易程度」、「土地使用效益」、「民眾接受度」、「資訊提供度」、「補償回饋度」、「環境監測度」、「環保協定度」等十五項。第一層級「安全品質」權重值為0.611,在其第二層之「設施是否位於斷層帶」、「設施區位是否曾發生自然災害」兩因子權重加總佔了整體40%,可見其在評估過程之重要性,且此兩因子與排序皆被受訪者「學者」、「專家」及「民眾」等群組認同。 本研究將所建構之「變電所區位選址評估模式」,應用於高雄市內某變電所區位選址優先順序選定上,結果顯示該評估模式適用於該類設施區位選址上,且若再加入更多實際面之因子(如法令限制、專業技術問題等),將更具有可靠性。


Generally, the public facility comprises transportation, travel, entertain- ment, education, medical treatment and energy equipment to influence the public and benefits. In the meanwhile, it also affects the power st- ructure and direction of urban development. Therefore, the substation is one of crucial public facilities with its nimby character. In the recent ten years in Taiwan, because of economics growth and democratic politic development, the environment and land use problems come over around which are caused by increasingly development. For example, the re- sidents’ conflicts caused by substation’s location decision are full of towns and counties in Taiwan. The residents have different opinion on substation’s location, so that they against substation to setup. Hence, substation location analysis is a vital point to affect whether substation can be built or not. This thesis will research on the model of substation location decision with equal principles, the safe and economic ways in the view of conflict reduction. There are two steps, first, list substation location estimate factor items by discussing, analyzing and generalizing in theories and literatures. Second, check factor items and the structure by “modified Delphi method”. The result of research reveals that the best propose of substation location is the top goal level in substation location evaluation model. The raking item has two levels, the first level is including “the quality of safety”, “economics and efficiency” and “social justice”. Besides, the second level has 15 evaluation items, such as “the facility sites fault zone or not”, “the public acceptation”…etc. The specific weighted value of safety quality is 0.611 in the first level. And in the second level, the specific weighted total of in two factors which are “if the facility sites fault zone” and “the facility location has had ever nature damage” is 40% of all. In addition, these factors are recognized by the interviewer, such as scholarship, professionals, and the public. This research applies “the model of substation location decision” into one substation location ranking in Kaohsiung. The result reveals that this model suits for these kinds of facility location decision. Besides, it is more trustworthy with reality evaluation factors, such as breaking the law boundary.


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