  • 學位論文


The Adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - From the Perspective of System Development Life Cycle

指導教授 : 林傑毓


隨著資訊科技發達,促使傳統產業經營模式劇變,企業面臨全球化的競爭環境,需要一套有效整合各項作業的資訊系統,以進行企業電子化。企業資源規劃系統 (Enterprise Resource Planning , ERP) 是企業電子化的核心與骨幹,藉由ERP系統的協助,能夠強化企業內部系統整合,以及有效結合外部資源,促使企業朝向國際化、多據點發展,達成全球運籌管理的目標。然而,在台灣佔大多數的中小型企業要如何運用有限的資金與資源,有效、快速導入ERP系統,是許多企業關注的議題。在資訊系統開發方法中,系統生命週期法是最經常被使用之模式,該導入架構可以有效地協助系統開發者確保開發品質與進度管理,達成資訊系統順利上線之目標。 本研究透過相關文獻之整理與研究分析,利用個案研究方法,以國內某中小型製造業為個案研究對象,運用系統生命週期的觀點探討個案公司導入EPR之過程與結果,並將研究結果分析彙整,以提供企業界在進行ERP系統建置與導入之參考。研究結果顯示系統生命週期法確實可以協助企業有效快速地導入ERP,且ERP系統是一套可以協助企業做好內部流程規劃、縮短溝通與改善作業品質及有效進行內部控制的資訊系統。


The advance in information technology has made a radical change in the business operation model for several traditional industries. While facing the global competitive environments, enterprises need to build information system to integrate their operation processes more efficiently and to become electronic businesses. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system can be seen as the core of the electronic business. ERP system can reinforce efficiently the integration of internal and external resources for enterprises, and consequently help enterprises develop internationally and achieve the goal of global logistics. However, most companies in Taiwan are small and medium sized. Due to the lack of financial and human resources, it is a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises to introduce and implement ERP system efficiently and effectively. Among several development methods of information system, system development life cycle method is the most widely used. This method can help system developers manage and control the schedule and quality of information system development, and help developers reach their development goals. The purpose of this thesis is to study the adoption of ERP system by small and medium-sized enterprises from the perspective of system development life cycle, and consequently to provide some suggestions for enterprises while they decide to adopt ERP system. Both the methods of literature review and case study are utilized. A small and medium-sized manufacturer in Taiwan is taken as the research object. From the research results, we can conclude that system development life cycle method is an efficient and effective tool for enterprises to develop and adopt ERP system; ERP system can help enterprises plan their internal operation processes, shorten communication time, improve production quality, and conduct internal control.


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