  • 學位論文


Narrative Analysis in Mark 8:22-10:52 with its Theological Significance

指導教授 : 蔡銘偉
共同指導教授 : 莊雅棠


本論文旨在探討《馬可福音》8:22-10:52的意義。對《馬可福音》而言,8:22-10:52是描繪耶穌從加利利往耶路撒冷的路途核心。而這條「道路」( ὁδὸς )中刻畫的人物與耶穌身份的揭示顯然有著特別的意義。因此,本論文探討的主題焦點在前往耶路撒冷的路途上。 本論文使用敘事分析為研究方法。以往學者以歷史為導向探究文本背後的社會處境。然而,近代學術研究了解到聖經大部份是以敘事文體呈現,以及再不能滿足對特定經文背景的探究,所以學者開始探究文本世界中的人物刻畫、情節衝突與敘事者,以體會文本當下的意涵。筆者有鑒於此,使用敘事分析進行《馬可福音》8:22-10:52的意義探究,藉此了解此段落呈現的意涵與其神學意義。 對於8:22-10:52的意義研究,敘事者除了引導讀者回應作門徒的意義與跟從十架的道路外,也顯示耶穌是以「人子」與「夫子」的身份行走這條道路。敘事分析的結果顯示敘事者刻畫門徒在此道路上無法領悟主角耶穌的教導,與耶穌思想背道而馳。相反的是,小人物巴底買撇下一切跟隨耶穌。值得注意的是,關於耶穌身份並非只揭示「基督」、「上帝之子」、「大衛子孫」三種重要頭銜,而是顯示耶穌是以「人子」、「夫子」身份預言受難及教導作門徒的意義。 此外,8:22-10:52耶穌行走的「道(路)」( ὁδὸς )具有以賽亞書新出埃及的概念。透過探究「道路」( ὁδὸς )在8:22-10:52的意義,顯示耶穌行走道路除了是「主的道(路)」( ὁδὸς )也是「作僕人的道路」。而「主的道」是出自以賽亞書新出埃及的概念。因此,《馬可福音》「主的道」是根據舊約傳統與故事來表明初代教會自我身份認同的追尋。


This thesis is focused on the narrative structure and theological significance of Mark 8:22-10:52. Mark 8:22-10:52 depicts the core of this Gospel on Jesus’ way from Galilee to Jerusalem. And this "Way" (ὁδὸς) clearly has a special significance in revealing and portraying Jesus' identity. Therefore, the following discourse is mainly centred on the events that took place on the road to Jerusalem. Narrative analysis is employed in this thesis as a research method. The scholars in the past tended to explore the social situation behind the text in history-oriented method. However, recent scholars have come to realize the fact that a major portion of Scripture is embodied in the narrative style of writing, and hence traditional historical methods failed to fulfill the research requirements in terms of some specific verses. According to the reasons above, scholars began to explore the characterization, plots of conflict, and the narrators in the world of the texts to realize their implications for understanding the text. In view of this, the author used narrative analysis to explore its significance in Mark 8:22-10:52 and hereby to understand the meaning of this section of the Gospel and its theological significance. A narrative analysis of the central section of Mark’s Gospel, reveals verses 8:22-10:52, that the narrator not only guided readers to respond to the meaning of discipleship and how to follow on the way he carried his cross, but also showed that Jesus carried out his mission with the identity of "Son of Man" and " Teacher-Rabbi ". The narrative analysis showed that the narrator portrayed the disciples on this road failing to understand the teachings of Jesus. On the contrary, their thoughts were greatly distinct form Jesus. In contrast, a layman called Bartimaeus left everything to follow Jesus. It is worth noting that Jesus did not reveal his identity using the three important titles, like Jesus "Christ", "Son of God", "Son of David". Instead, Jesus employed the identity as the "Son of Man", "Teacher-Rabbi" to demonstrate how to carry out their discipleship and to prophecy his Passion. In addition, from Mark 8:22 to 10:52, the "Way" (ὁδὸς) Jesus walked was also in accordance with the concept of the Isaiah’s New Exodus. Through the inquiry of the meanings of "Way" (ὁδὸς) in Mark 8:22-10:52, the thesis showed that the road Jesus walked is " the Way of the Lord" (ὁδὸς) as well as " the Way of the Servant ". In addition, the concept " the Word of the Lord" originates from Isaiah’s New Exodus. Thus, In accordance with the traditions and stories in Old Testament, Mark utilized the concept of " the Way of the Lord " to search for the self-identity of the churches in early first century and hereby to declare it.


Mark Narrative Analysis Character Plot of Conflict Way


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