  • 學位論文


Application of high-resolution DTMs on sediment volume estimation

指導教授 : 曾志民


南化水庫為台灣公共給水單一目標最大之水庫,主要供應台南及高雄之公共給水,為台灣南部重要的水源設施。然而在民國97年卡玫基颱風及民國98年莫拉克颱風兩起事件後,庫容量減少3,000萬立方公尺,不僅對水庫容量及壽命造成衝擊,更直接影響未來南台灣水資源的調度規劃。因此,分析了解水庫集水區之泥沙生產與運移特性,對於水資源管理而言為一項重要課題。 本研究使用2米解析度之高精度數值地形模型、航空照片為研究材料。在航空照片上之應用,主要先以綠度指標(Greeness)初步判釋研究區域之裸露地區,隨後透過人工檢核方式編修自動判釋誤判區域,再以2米數值地形相減方式配合水系高程、沖淤圖,劃定集水區內土石流之發生區、流動區及堆積區,並利用裸露地區位擷取2005年及2010年兩期數值地形高程變化,計算土砂輸送量。 本研究應用數值地形模型水文模組於南化水庫範圍,劃分出37個子集水區,其中位於主流後堀溪右岸有16個,左岸則有21個。後堀溪兩岸崩塌特性分析成果顯示,左岸由於地質受平溪斷層及頂平林向斜所影響,導致地質破碎,因此所產生之平均生產量大於右岸之平均生產量,且左岸有4個子集水區之土砂遞移率低於65%,右岸則均大於85%,表示左岸之集水區仍有較多土砂殘留於集水區內。最後以數值地形建立集水區坡度與集水區面積分區關係,以此為依據,探討分析集水區之土砂輸送特性,結果顯示在相似的坡度面積條件下,以頁岩為主之左岸比砂頁岩互層之右岸有較大的土砂輸送量。本研究也綜合歸納提出土砂輸送評估回歸式,以利後續應用。


Nanhua Reservoir is one of the important water resource facilities in southern Taiwan. After Typhoon Kalmaegi in 2008 and Typhoon Morakot in 2009, the capacity of Nanhua Reservoir reduced greatly due to severe landslide and debris flow in upstream watershed. The water resource supply has been facing a stern challenge in recent years. Hence, understand the characteristic of sediment yield and transport in watershed is essential for water resource management. The study applied 2m resolution DTM and aerial photographs to analyze the topographic change. The Greeness index was preliminary used to delineate bare area then modified by manual inspection. The region of debris flow transport and deposition was divided by multiple DTM analysis. In addition, the sediment volume transported by debris flow was obtained by the comparison of two temporal DTMs. This research utilized GIS hydro module to derive 37 basins, in which 16 basins located in the right bank and 21 in the left bank, respectively. The results of landslide analysis show that the geologic in the left bank region was fragile caused by fault and syncline. The sediment yield in left bank basins is larger than those in right bank area. The sediment delivery ratio during 2005 - 2010 was lower than 65% in the left bank basin indicated that large amount of sediment remain deposited in the upstream basin. Based on spatial analysis of DTM, the relation of local slope and area signatures was used to discuss sediment transport characteristic. The result indicated that under similar slope and area condition, shale dominated area has more sediment transport volume compare to alternation sandstone and shale dominated area. Finally, this study developed the regression formula of sediment transport for the pratical application in watershed management.


Landslide Debris flow DTM Sediment volume Nanhua Reservoir


