  • 學位論文

The Book Thief中譯本《偷書賊》之評析與改譯

The Review and Re-translation of the Chinese Translation of The Book Thief

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文比較並且評析中譯本《偷書賊》(呂玉嬋譯)針對Markus Zusak原著的The Book Thief在翻譯審美再現的成效以及得失。The Book Thief為一文學小說,按Peter Newmark的文本類型,當屬表述類文本,並且適用以原語(SL)為中心的語義翻譯方法,本論文將引此理論來檢視中譯本偏向意譯的作法,並以偏向直譯的方向改譯。後援劉宓慶的翻譯美學理論,以翻譯的科學性為指導原則,再求發揮翻譯的藝術性:首先檢討中譯本在字義與遣詞是否適切,再配合想像改譯、重建因為偏向意譯而被略去或減少的隱喻和意象,使原著的美學價值得以重現於譯文之中。 本論文之研究始於探討文學作品翻譯產生的直譯、意譯造成的差異,尋求文本類型理論之支持,逐一檢視中譯本偏向意譯之影響,再依據翻譯美學理論予以改譯和評價,實際上達到了由理論進行分析、改譯,再由改譯成果支持理論之適用,相輔相成,足為學以致用之證明;更盼本研究能供其他表述類文本翻譯之參考。


This thesis reviews the published Chinese translation of The Book Thief, a novel written by Markus Zusak, and analyzes the aesthetic representation in translation. According to Newmark’s text typology, The Book Thief, being a literary production, is a text of expressive function; therefore, the communicative translation approach, which is a SL-oriented methodology, shall be adopted for the translation of it. This thesis will apply the aforementioned theory to review the published Chinese translation of The Book Thief, which adopts the free-translation approach, and build the groundwork for future SL-oriented re-translation. In addition, Miching Liu’s translation aestheticism theory will also be applied to examine the techniques and diction of the published Chinese translation and to assist in re-translating and re-building the metaphors and images to achieve the representation of aestheticism. This thesis starts with an analysis of the differences brought to literary works by literal translation approach and free translation approach, conducts a review of the published Chinese translation of The Book Thief in the perspective of text typology, and closes with the application of translation aestheticism theory for re-translation and appreciation. By doing so, theories and practices of translation may successfully support each other and serve as proofs to the practicability of the study of translation and grant this work referential values for the translation of texts of expressive function.


金莉華(2009)。「評《偷書賊》的翻譯,Markus Zusk著、呂玉嬋譯」。編譯論叢,2,205-219。
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 2003 England: Pearson Education Limited
Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English. 2006 UK: Oxford University Press
