  • 學位論文


The study of the Brand Switch Behavior on packing beverage coffee market in Taiwan megalopolis---Take「L.G.D.S」as an example

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 何嘉惠


依據A.C.Nielsen市場調查報告中顯示,台灣包裝飲料市場總值已近千億元台幣大關,幾乎已佔台灣G.D.P.值約21萬倍(15,676美元)以上;在高度競爭的包裝飲料市場中,各製造商無不藉由品牌行銷操作(諸如:廣告、公關活動、賣場促銷、置入性行銷……等)來拉抬銷售量並獲取營業利潤。 本研究擬由「左岸咖啡館」為出發點,了解包裝即飲咖啡市場消費者在其特性、轉換成本及滿意度間的相互影響程度,進一步判斷其品牌轉換的可能性和相關因素。透過蒐集完整的相關資訊將對未來「左岸咖啡館」及相關包裝即飲咖啡品牌業者如何增加市場佔有、提昇品牌忠誠度並進一步防止品牌轉換意向,作出正確的決策方案有極大助益。 研究中以台灣地區都會地區包裝即飲咖啡消費族群為主要施測對象,並選擇台北地區(台北縣市)、台中地區(台中縣市)、高雄地區(高雄縣市)作為研究範圍。總計問卷發放300份,回收有效問卷200份。經相關整體及編碼作業後,利用SPSS統計軟體,進行敘述性統計分析、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析、變異數分析及線性結構模式分析 (LISREL)等統計方法來驗證消費者特性、轉換成本與顧客滿意度對品牌轉換行為之因果關係。 研究結果發現:1、包裝即飲咖啡市場,消費者特性對品牌轉換未產生影響;2、包裝即飲咖啡市場,顧客滿意度對品牌轉換產生影響;3、包裝即飲咖啡市場,轉換成本對品牌轉換未具影響力;4、包裝即飲咖啡市場,消費者特性對顧客滿意度產生影響;5、包裝即飲咖啡市場,轉換成本對於顧客滿意度有顯著影響關係;6、包裝即飲咖啡市場,人口統計變項之於消費者特性、品牌轉換、轉換成本及顧客滿意度間存在部分關聯性。


According to A. C. Nielsen market survey report, the total value of pack beverage market in Taiwan has already been close to hundred billion of Taiwan dollars, almost occupy most of Taiwan G.D.P. value above 210,000 times (15,676 dollars); in the high competitive packing beverage market, each manufactory all operates marketing by the brand (such as: the advertisement, communication campaign, the selling exhibition promotes sales and placement marketing… etc.) to increase the sales volume and obtain business profits. The starting point of the research is drawn up from「L.G.D.S.」, understand how degree the consumer characteristic, switch cost, and customer satisfaction influence each other in pack beverage coffee market, judge the possibility that their brand switch and related factors further. It has been very helpful for「L.G.D.S.」and other pack beverage coffee dealers by collecting complete related information to increases the market share, promote the brand loyalty and further prevented the brand switch intention, and makes the correct decision-making . In the research, the target tasting object is the consumer group of pack beverage coffee in Taiwan metropolis. Choosing Taipei (Taipei city and county), Taichung (Taichung city and county), and Kaohsiung (Kaohsiung city and county) to be the research area. There were 200 effective questionnaires return among 300 questionnaires distributed. The data were analyzed by a variety of statistical methods, such as descriptive statistic, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis, ANOVA and LISREL, etc. After integrating the results of empirical analysis, we would find the causal relation among consumer characteristic, switch cost, customer satisfaction and brand switch behavior. The findings of the research are as following: In the pack beverage coffee market, 1. The consumer characteristic has no effect on the brand switch. 2. The customer satisfaction has effect on the brand switch. 3. The switch cost has no effect on the brand switch. 4. The consumer characteristic has effect on the customer satisfaction. 5. The switch cost has significant effect on the customer satisfaction. 6. Some of the personal characteristics have parts of connections in consumer characteristic, brand switch, switch cost, and customer satisfaction.


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