  • 學位論文


Risk Analysis and Evacuation Planning of the Recycling Plant

指導教授 : 何三平


近年來,資源回收廠災害常發生之媒介物大多為電氣設備或化學物品等,若能定期檢測工廠內所使用各類電氣設備是否為正常,即能降低廠內災害發生機率。倘若發生火災,濃煙往往易影響並阻礙人員逃生,所以廠內的排煙設備以及人員之逃生路線極為重要。目前國內工業界及消防界大多採用ALOHA模擬軟體進行初步緊急應變範圍之評估,但ALOHA模擬軟體進行模擬時並未考慮於障礙物的阻擋,其消防人員於救災位置之準確性令人質疑。 本研究結果發現,ALOHA軟體評估之輻射熱影響範圍顯得過於粗糙,其結果也明顯高估實際狀況之後果,將可能導致搶救人員於執行任務時而判斷錯誤。而FDS軟體較能準確地預估其輻射熱影響。且當有外在環境之影響時,如風速、障礙物等條件下,FDS之模擬評估顯得重要許多,其效果也優於ALOHA模擬軟體。此外,FDS這套模擬軟體亦可設定撒水系統存在時,其所產生之影響;且於相同的儲槽下,不同的內容物之燃燒下,確實會產生非常明顯不同輻射熱之影響。綜觀以上,障礙物及水幕等減少輻射熱等效應評估,均是ALHOA軟體所無法模擬的。 本研究另一目的在於透過實際現場驗證並使用紅外線熱顯像儀等儀器觀察,發現周遭大多數危害人的肉眼無法觀察,如電線表面破損嚴重、電線之絕緣膠帶已使用多年導致造成膠帶黏性不佳等,無法給予電氣設備正確的維護、檢測方法及應用。再以某廠發生電氣火災時以電腦模擬(FDS及Evac)最糟狀態時是否能順利逃生,其模擬結果顯示,全數人員能不受濃煙及熱氣影響逃生安全抵達至出口並未造成人員傷亡。


In recent years, the cause for disasters in recycling plants has mostly been electric appliances or chemicals. If regular inspections of the appliances in the factories could be made, it would decrease the chance of disasters. If a fire were to occur, the smoke could easily affect the evacuation of the personnel, therefore smoke exhaust equipment and escape routes are extremely important. At present, domestic industries and fire departments mostly use ALOHA simulation software to conduct initial emergency range assessment; however, the software is unable to account for blockages caused by obstacles, making the accuracy of safety zones questionable. Exploration results showed that most hazards are unobservable to the human eye, such as damage to the surface of cables and poor stickiness of insulation tape after many years of use, which result in interruption of production and temperatures of the cables exceeding the permitted values in the distribution box. The potential hazards can be understood by use of IR thermal imaging. This research discussed if evacuation could be executed successfully under worst case scenarios in this plant. The number of evacuating personnel was increased from 20 to 50 people, and simulations showed that all of the personnel could reach the exit without being affected by the smoke and heat, and with no injuries and deaths. This research discovered that the radiant heat affected area estimated by ALOHA software was too rough; it clearly overestimated the consequences, which could cause misjudgments during rescue. FDS proved to be more accurate in predicting the radiant heat affected area. When there was ambient influence, such as wind or obstacles, FDS was much more accurate than ALOHA in analog assessment. Also, FDS can be used to see the effects on the existence of sprinkler systems; under the same oil tank with various contents burning inside, the different radiant heat levels and its effects could be clearly observed. Summing the above, assessment of obstacles and water curtains on radiant heat are incidents that ALOHA is incapable of handling.


FDS+Evac electrical testing ALOHA safety distance


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