  • 學位論文


A Shadow of History: A Case Study on The Rape of Nanking from the Functions of Translation and Publication

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


《被遺忘的大屠殺》是一本在原作的創作及譯作的翻譯和出版兩方面都充滿討論話題的出版品,其引起輿論界和學術界討論的時間可溯自1997年原作登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜開始迄今。本論文旨在從翻譯和出版的角度論述《被遺忘的大屠殺》的語言、翻譯和出版問題,並運用德國功能主義翻譯理論評介中、日文等五本譯作,採樣範圍為完整的出版品,包括內文、標題、封面、編輯形式、圖片等。 本論文分成六章。首章為緒論,說明本研究的動機、目的、方法與問題。第二章為文獻探討,採編年式文獻分析法說明《被遺忘的大屠殺》的創作、翻譯及出版問題。第三章說明翻譯理論之應用。第四章說明作者創作的背景和目的,並運用諾德的「翻譯導向文本分析模式」解析原作和導出適當的翻譯策略。第五章探討譯者的目的及譯作出版的問題。第六章提出筆者的研究心得、啟示及建議。 研究《被遺忘的大屠殺》的翻譯出版現象,除讓筆者有機會實驗翻譯理論的應用外,更期望透過對各個譯本的觀察結果,能對爾後遇到類似翻譯任務的翻譯工作者,略盡棉薄,提供一些或有裨益的參考價值。


The Rape of Nanking is a publication full of controversies, both on its creation and translation. The book has attracted people’s attention since it became The New York Times bestseller in 1997 to the present. This thesis discusses its problems from the viewpoint of translating and publishing, using German functionalism translation theory as a main tool. The investigated items are five Chinese and Japanese published translation versions, including their texts, titles, covers, editing, notes and photos. The thesis is divided into six chapters. Chapter One introduces the author’s motivation, goals, methods and questions for writing this thesis. In Chapter Two, using chronological analysis, the author presents the history of creating, translating, publishing The Rape of Nanking. Chapter Three explains the applications of translation theories to the study of this thesis. Chapter Four details Iris Chang’s motivation and intention and uses Nord’s Translation-Oriented Model of Text Functions to analyze her book and to propose the best translation strategy for her works. Chapter Five discusses the intentions of the translators and the problems of publishing translated texts. Chapter six presents the author’s conclusions and suggestions. The research into translating and publishing phenomenon of The Rape of Nanking has provided an excellent opportunity for the author to put translation theories into practice and better understand the problems related to the writing, translating, and publishing such a controversial book. Finally, the author believes that the observations on each publication will be useful and helpful to those who are taking part in writing and translating.


Baker, Mona. (2001). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London and New York: Routledge.
Chang, Iris. (1998). The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II. London: Penguin.
