  • 學位論文


The study of Kaohsiung Gas Explosion in Respect of Good Engineering Practice

指導教授 : 陳振和


一般良好工程實務涵蓋驗證過,並廣泛接受的工程方法,操作程序,維修,檢查和測試作業的實務,且提供適當的,符合成本效益與詳細文字敘述的解決方法同時已達到客戶及法規要求。良好工程實務GEP被廣泛接受的最主要原因是:它是最符合經濟效益的做法。GEP必須遵守一般國際廣泛認可各領域專業組織,結合全世界相關領域的資源技術及經驗,所制訂的規範,如: API、NACE、ASME……等。 本研究乃針對2014年發生之高雄氣爆,以良好工程實務的角度去探討事件。發現整個事件相關人員,完全沒有任何良好工程實務之基本概念,從企業安全文化,組織架構,人員資格,管線之基本材料選擇,管線設計,維修保養,陰極防蝕,緊急應變,更遑論要求其承攬商,具備如是能力及資格,甚至主管單位之勞動檢查人員,亦不具備有相關管線檢查能力及資格,發生事故乃遲早之事。 台灣石化業內在及外在環境持續惡劣,如果再不把安全管理做好,台灣不只是石化業沒有明天,整個高科技業,甚至整個台灣都沒有明天。 台灣沒有足夠的資源、技術及經驗,訂定本土的規範,擷取國際公認的良好工程實務做法,是最經濟務實的做法,工安不打折,一次到位乃當前台灣石化業面臨惡劣生存環境所必須走的一條路,只有回歸良好工程實務的基本面,跟國際證照接軌,台灣才有明天。


Recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices are called RAGAGEPs. They are also called good engineering practices, GEPs. GEPs consist of proven and accepted engineering methods, procedures, and practices that provide appropriate, cost-effective, and well-documented solutions to meet user-requirements and compliance with applicable regulations. GEPs are considered the most cost effective ways of daily operation in petrochemical industry. This study of Kaohsiung Gas Explosion in 2014 is from the perspective of GEPs. The entire incident involved parties were all in violation of almost every single GEPs guidelines we could possibly find from cooperate safety culture to organizational structure, personnel qualifications, maintenance and emergency response. Not to mention contractors’ and labor inspectors’ qualification. Taiwan petrochemical industry is now faces very strict both internal and external competition. There won’t be any future if safety management is not on full gear. The best way for Taiwan is to follow existing GEPs since Taiwan does not have the resources, techniques and experience to build its own guidelines for the industry and has no way to keep updating its guidelines.


API Recommended Practice 1167, Pipeline SCADA Alarm Management
API Recommended Practice 1113, Developing a Pipeline Supervisory Control Center
API Publication 1161, Recommended Practice for Pipeline Operator Qualification (OQ)
API Recommended Practice 1162, Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators
