  • 學位論文


Perspectives of Medical Futility in Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses

指導教授 : 吳麗珍




社區老人 慢性病 無效醫療


Most studies of futile care focus on the perspective of ethicists, lawyers, and health care providers. This qualitative study explores perceptions of medical futility in community-dwelling older adults 75 years or older with chronic illnesses. Nine older adults were recruited through purposive sampling to participate in individual face-to-face interviews. These semi-structured interviews were audio-taped, transcribed verbatim and analyzed by content analysis. Five themes and thirteen sub-themes emerged from the data: (1) Sense of medical futility: expectations of medical technology, dependence on the National Health Service, prolonging the agony of life, discussion of death-related issues; (2) Severe chronic disease as a caregiver’s burden: encumbering family members, financial burden, physical and psychological burden; (3) Compliance with the physician's advice: respect toward professionals; (4) Living with chronic disease: learning to live with the disease, watching for health problems, looking for social support; and (5) Documenting advance directives in a timely manner: favoring palliative care, uncertainty regarding advance directives. Study findings may help health-related institutions understand medical futility from the perspective of health care consumers, which will allow them to better inform community-dwelling old adults about palliative care and the Patient Autonomy Bill.


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