  • 學位論文


A Study of Occupational Injury Factors of Workers in Municipal Refuse Incineration Plants

指導教授 : 林信一


本研究針對都市垃圾焚化廠工作人員可能發生職業傷害因子進行研究,以問卷方式針對國內10座大型都市垃圾焚化廠501名工作人員個人背景、工作職務與特性、安全衛生教育訓練及個人安全防護、職業危害因子、職業傷害類型、傷害部位、致傷媒介物、發生次數和發生原因等進行調查,並分析垃圾焚化廠工作人員之工作因素與遭受職業傷害的相關性,進而擬訂防止職業傷害發生之對策。 本研究結果發現,501人受訪者中表示工作時曾經遭受生物性危害者有131人佔26.15%,主要發生症狀為皮膚疾病、眼疾、鼻炎、腸胃炎等,主要媒介物為作業環境粉塵及細菌、黴菌及病毒等;受化學性危害者有173人佔34.53%,主要發生症狀為眼睛刺辣感、惡臭刺鼻、流淚、皮膚潰爛等,主要媒介物為粉塵、飛灰、垃圾及有害氣體、蒸氣等;受物理性危害者有130人佔25.95%,主要發生症狀為盜汗、感冒、中暑、熱衰竭、耳鳴、聽力減損、關節痠痛、肌肉骨骼傷害等;受人因工程危害者有199人佔39.72%,主要發生症狀為肌肉骨骼傷害或痠痛及工作壓力等,主要原因為用力過度、工作過量太累、肌肉拉扭傷等;曾經發生意外傷害者有157人佔31.34%,主要傷害類型為灼傷、燙傷、跌倒、被撞擊等,主要受傷部位為手、足、腿、頭等,主要原因為個人疏忽、作業環境不良、設備安全不足等;另外上下班途中曾發生交通事故者有102人佔20.36%。 經由交叉分析顯示服務年資與生物性危害有相關性;現任職務與生物性、化學性、物理性及意外傷害均有相關性;安全衛生教育訓練與各類危害均有相關性;個人安全防護與生物性、化學性、意外傷害等有相關性;其中現任職務、教育訓練及個人防護與遭受職業傷害有較多顯著相關。 由研究結果顯示受訪者遭受各類職業傷害之比例平均高達25%至40%之間,建議各焚化廠應採取必要的作業環境改善和防護措施,加強員工安全衛生教育訓練和個人安全防護管理,以降低職業傷害比例。


This study investigated the occupational injury factors of workers in Municipal Refuse Incineration Plants (MRIP) by questionnaire way to 501 workers in 10 large-scale MRIP. The questionnaire content includes personal background, working duty, personal safety & health protection, safety training, hazard factors, occupational injury types, injury spots, injury intermedium, occurred frequency, occurred reasons and so on, To analyzes the relevance of MRIP workers to suffer from the occupational injury factors, then drafts the precaution to prevent the occupational injuries. It was found that the participants expressed once to suffer from the biological hazard approximately 26%, the main symptom were skin disease and eye disease, to suffer from the chemical hazard approximately 35%,the main symptom were odor and eye irritation, to suffer from the physical hazard approximately 26%,the main symptom were the heat exhaustion, the tinnitus, the hearing loss, the joint pain and so on, to suffer from the human factor engineering hazard approximately 40%, the main symptom were the muscle skeleton injury or the pain and the working pressure , to suffer from the accident injury approximately 31%, mainly was injured the spot for the hand, the foot, the leg, another coming and going to work Once had the traffic accident on the way approximately 20%. By way of the crossover analysis demonstrated the work period of service and the biological hazard have the relevance, The working duty and the biological hazard, chemical hazard , physical hazard and the accident injury have the relevance, The safety and health training has the relevance with each kind of hazard, The personal safety protection and the biological hazard, chemical hazard, accident injury and so on have the relevance, And the working duty, the safety and health training and the personal safety protection with suffering the occupational injuries to have obviously related. The results demonstrated that the proportion of participant suffers from each kind of occupational injury to reach as high as 30% equally, suggested that each MRIP should adopt the essential working environment improvement and the protective measure, to strengthen the safety and health training and the personal safety protection management, and expect to reduce the occurrence of occupational injuries.




