  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Organizational Innovation of Banking Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林傑毓


摘要 台灣地區銀行業近年來受到併購,金融改革號角吹起,金融管制解除,金融商品多元化,消費者需求變動,同業市場競爭等等重大挑戰,金融高階管理者面對大環境變遷的壓力,首要必須發展新金融商品,提昇服務品質,商品必須有差異性,作業程序簡化,財務結構健全化與透明化,讓整體金融走向全球化,取得足夠的競爭優勢. 本研究主要目的在利用臺灣地區銀行業組織創新量表評量銀行業對組織創新之發展狀況,該量表有助於銀行業對本身組織創新能力的衡量及做為公司改善創新管理規劃與執行之指導方針與依據。 本研究主要的研究方法係以二維式邏輯之矩陣分析法為主要方法架構,藉由二維矩陣方法配合雙核心理論對台灣銀行業的創新現況進行深入之探究。 本研究針對20家銀行業每家發出25份企業組織創新量表問卷,共發出500份問卷,有效問卷共470份。將問卷所得之資料以敘述統計、因素分析、信度分析與變異數等分析,以驗證本研究所提之假設。 本研究結果發現: 1. 銀行業之成立年數、員工人數、銀行屬性與商品主要行銷市場等不同銀行屬性均能對組織創新之各因素產生顯著差異性。 2. 銀行業之員工職層差別將對商品創新產生顯著差異性。 3. 各戶申訴管道、回報系統及員工福利、獎勵制度等創新活動為銀行業所重視之部分,但在執行上卻多未能落實。 關鍵詞:創新、組織創新、銀行業、雙核心模式觀點


Abstract The merger and acquisition (M&A) occurred frequently in Taiwan’s banking industry. Facing the crucial challenges of financial revolution, cancellation of financial regulation, development of multiple financial products, alteration of customer’s demand and market competition, there were so many tasks of executives from financial industry. Include the first and foremost financial products development, increases service quality, product differentiation, simplification of operation, soundness and transparency of financial structure, in order to lead the overall finance to globalization and acquire sufficient competitive advantage. The main purpose of this research was to take advantage of the innovative scale of banking industry in Taiwan to evaluate the state of organizational innovation of the banks. This scale was helpful for the banks to evaluate their own innovative capability, and served as the guideline and authority for the banks in improving innovative management planning and implementation. This research delivered 25 questionnaires of organizational innovation in 20 banks, with total 500 portions, and 470 of them were valid. Analyses of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, validity analysis and ANOVA were adopted to verify the assumptions in this research. The research results showed: 1. The years of business starting, number of employees, banks attributions and different major markets all had significant difference on organizational innovation. 2. The hierarchical difference of employees would have significant differences on product innovation. 3. The emphasized parts of banking industry were innovative activities such like account complainants, feedback system and employee’s welfare, however it failed to put into practice at many aspects. Keywords: Innovation, organizational innovation, banking industry, dual-core perspective..


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