  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Service Innovation in Banking Industry

指導教授 : 林傑毓


台灣歷經中美斷交、第一次金融風暴及兩次金融大改革,並正逢全球的金融危機中,市場的遽變、投資管道的多樣化,使得金融銀行業彼此的競爭日漸激烈,是金融業也是服務業的銀行業者,逐漸意識到服務創新(Service Innovation)的重要性與必要性。 服務創新是將無形資產轉為有形資財的企業利器,景氣的好壞雖是無法改變的因素,但是經營的成敗並非僅受景氣之影響。畢竟服務業最重要的商品,就是提供無形的「服務」,而顧客對服務業的期許,也是希望享有讓自己滿意的服務品質,使自己的消費能有物超所值的價值,所以服務創新是服務業首應重視的工作。 服務創新既為當前服務業最重要的課題,以服務為導向的台灣銀行業,更是無一不想深研發展此一攸關存亡的新顯學,但服務創新應用在銀行業之研究,尚付之闕如。國、內外就此議題的相關研究雖漸有累積,但仍不如預期,且在探索服務與創新間的績效關係,亦未達成一致的結論,因此促成本研究之動機。 本研究主要是以質性研究為主,以銀行業資深高階主管為訪談對象,運用Expert Choice 2000決策支援軟體對訪談後之量表做一致性檢定與AHP(Analytic hierarchy process, AHP)分析,以計算出各構面的權重。研究結果顯示,台灣銀行業服務創新以「作業流程之新穎度」中的「行銷模式之改變」最為重要;「服務修正」中以「銀行經營策略」最為重要;「服務對市場之新穎度」中以「新服務對市場之影響」最為重要;「服務對銀行之新穎度」以「新產品與服務開發條件」最為重要。 關鍵詞:銀行業、服務創新、層級分析法


Taiwan has been through the break between R.O.C. and U.S., the first financial storm and financial transform for two times, it is now facing the global financial crisis. The competition in financial banking industry is getting keen gradually, because of the dramatic transform in market, as well as a variety of methods to invest. The banking, meanwhile, also plays the role of financial and service function, starting to be aware of the importance and the essentiality of “Service Innovation”. Service innovation is a useful means that transforms invisible property into visible property. The success of business running does not just lie on economic prosperity, though the boom and bust of prosperity can not be controlled. After all, providing invisible “service” for customers is the most important product for service industry. Customers’ expectation towards service industry, arising in the hope of pursuing high service quality which is satisfying, making their consumption a bargain at any price, therefore, service innovation is the first job the service industry should take into account. Service innovation is the most vital subject for service industry now. For service-oriented Taiwanese banking industry, all of them put great focus on developing this new doctrine concerned life or death. However, there are still little studies about applying service innovation to banking. The related international and domestic documents that concerned the subject are not as many as expected, besides, there are not any consistent conclusions reached in exploring the sales relationship between service and innovation. Due to this reason, the research commences. The study is based on qualitative research, interviewing with high ranking directors of banking industry, applying “Expert Choice 2000”decision support software to make consistent inspection and AHP(Analytic hierarchy process, AHP)analysis to the completed inventory to calculate the weight of all dimensions. The study shows as below: as for Taiwanese banking service innovation, “the Transforms of Marketing Model” from “the Newness of Operation Workflow” is the most important; the same for “the Banking Business Strategies” from “the Service Revision”, “New Service’s Impact on Market” from “Service’s Newness to Market”, “Developing Condition of New Products and Service” from “ Service’s Newness to Banks”. Keywords: Banking Industry, Service Innovation, Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)


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