  • 學位論文


The study of the key elements for successful internationalized industries.

指導教授 : 謝介仁


摘 要 企業經營與發展是有階段性的,當企業成長過程中,會面臨不同的策略關鍵點,『成長』則是大部企業首要的策略目標,以台灣有限的市場和資源,『國際化』是每一個追求成長的企業不得不面對的策略選擇。台灣的國際化經驗從最早期的出口導向,這個階段基本上是著重在利用台灣的低成本優勢追求市場的擴充,然而自1990年代開始,台灣的外在環境和企業本身條件都起了急劇的變化,開始讓台灣企業的國際化策略和方式必須捨棄長久以來台灣所倚賴的成本優勢,因此必須找出讓台灣企業成功轉型國際化之關鍵成功因素。 本研究採用層級分析法(AHP)評價傳統產業國際化關鍵成功因素。可以看出,在第二階層的三個評價裡,專家認為其重要依序為「創新與競爭潛力」、「國際競爭環境」,最後為「企業競爭實力」。基於第二階層,研究產生的19個評價標準為第三階層。其中19個評價標準重要依序為市場占有率、附加價值、專利產出、設備水準、市場規模、營運狀態、貿易環境、產業集群、政商環境穩定度、競爭法制、產業鏈、產業關聯技術開發、產值與利潤率、管理人才、技術輸出、技術環境、技術投入水準、產學技術合作、關鍵產品價格。 關鍵字:傳統產業、國際化、關鍵成功因素、層級分析法


Abstract Managing enterprise and business development have some staged process. When enterprises are growing, it will face different strategic main point. “growth” is first strategic target for most enterprises. Under limited resource and market in Taiwan, “Internationalization” is every enterprise that pursues self-growth has to face strategic choice. In earliest days, Taiwan ’s international experience is export-oriented stage. Basically, the stage relies on low cost advantage in Taiwan to forward market expansion. However, since 1990s, Taiwan’s external environment and enterprises itself condition have rapid changes which caused international strategic and methods of Taiwan’s enterprises have to abandon the low-cost advantage which Taiwan relied on. Therefore, the study will have to find out key elements for successfully transform into international Taiwan enterprises In this study, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate the critical success factors of the internationalization of the traditional industries. It can be seen in the second class of the three evaluation experts believe that an important order for the experts that were "Innovation and competitive potential, the international competitive environment, and finally the" corporate competitive strength ". Base on the second class, the study produced 19 evaluation criteria have been listed as third class. Important sequence of the 19 evaluation criteria for market share, value-added patent output, equipment standards, market size, operational status, trade, environment, industry clusters, stability of business and political environment, competitive legal system, industrial chain, industrial connection technological development output value and profit margins, management personnel, technical output, technological environment, the technical input to standards, technical cooperation in academia, key product prices. Keywords: Traditional industries, international, critical success factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)


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