  • 學位論文


The Role of Student-Centered Training in Translation Competence--A Case Study

指導教授 : 藍月素
共同指導教授 : 吳宜錚


一般咸認翻譯不需學習,只要雙語流利就能翻譯,事實上,學界早已推翻此一傳統錯誤觀念,並將翻譯能力整理歸納分為雙語能力(communicative competence)、語際能力(extra-linguistic competence)、翻譯知識(transfer competence)、工具使用能力(instrument-professional competence)、生理心理能力(psychological competence)及策略能力(strategic competence)等六個翻譯次能力。 不少研究指出,在各種翻譯課程中,以學生為中心的教學方式(即由專業譯者任教並設計多項教學活動的教學方法),最能幫助學生主動地尋求相關知識,學習解決翻譯過程中出現的問題。然而,缺乏相關實證研究及數據佐證此一主張。因此,本研究以長榮大學碩士在職專班「一般筆譯與實作英譯中」課程之翻譯初學者為研究對象,從學生的觀點出發,藉由教學前及教學後之翻譯測驗及問卷調查,探討以學生為中心的教學方式在提昇學生翻譯能力所扮演的角色。 本研究發現以學生為中心的教學方式能幫助學生獲得翻譯的「know how」亦即翻譯次能力中的「策略能力」,並藉此提昇學生整體翻譯能力;藉由提昇翻譯次能力,翻譯初學者的翻譯表現也明顯提昇。藉由檢驗以學生為中心的教學方式與學生翻譯能力之間的關聯,本研究期盼有效協助教師及學生發展更有效的學習策略,加速翻譯能力的學習過程。


Although conventional wisdom holds that bilingual people are natural interpreters and translators, this assumption is not supported by research. Experts now divide translation competence into six translation sub-competences (communicative competence, extra-linguistic competence, transfer competence, instrument-professional competence, psychological competence, and strategic competence). A significant number of studies have suggested that a student-centered training program (a course of exercises designed and taught by a professional translator) is the best way to give beginners an understanding of how to acquire translation competence. However, to date, there have been no empirical studies addressing the effectiveness of learning by beginning translation students in this type of training program. The present study investigates the learning process of students who took an entry-level translation course in a graduate institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies in southern Taiwan. The subjects were given two sets of tests and two questionnaires to evaluate their translation performance before and after training and to examine the role of student-centered training in improving translation competence. The study found that student-centered training was effective in guiding students to acquire translation “know-how” and in improving their translation competence. By examining the relationship between student-centered training and acquisition of translation competence, students and teachers will be able to develop effective strategies to facilitate the learning process.


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