  • 學位論文


The Interpersonal Communication Competence and Styles of Handling Interpersonal Conflict Among Nurses in Intensive Care Units

指導教授 : 黃惠滿


背景:加護病房護理人員需有能力運用適當的人際衝突處理型態,與醫療團隊、病人及家屬有效溝通。 目的:探討加護病房護理人員(1)人際溝通能力、人際衝突處理型態及其相互關係;(2)人際衝突處理型態之預測因子 方法:採用橫斷式、量性研究法,以方便取樣方式選取南部三家醫院351位加護病房護理人員,用「個人基本屬性問卷」、「人際溝通能力量表」和「人際衝突處理型態量表」收集資料。 結果︰加護病房護理人員 (1)整體人際溝通能力屬中等以上程度;最常使用的人際衝突處理型態依序為「整合」、「妥協」、「讓步」。(2)教育程度、職位越高,人際溝通能力越佳。(3)年齡在「妥協」、「逃避」;教育程度在「讓步」、「妥協」、「逃避」、「整合」;職位在「讓步」、「妥協」、「整合」;工作年資在「支配」、「妥協」、「整合」的人際衝突處理型態上呈顯著差異。(4)人際溝通能力分別與「支配」、「讓步」、「妥協」及「整合」人際衝突處理型態呈顯著正相關。(5)職位、人際溝通能力為「妥協」人際衝突處理型態的預測因子,可解釋總變異量的24.8%;而教育程度、人際溝通能力可解釋「整合」人際衝突處理型態19.6%的總變異量。 結論/實務應用:建議護理管理者將「人際溝通」、「人際衝突處理型態」列為加護病房護理人員每年必修的教育訓練主題,並運用討論、模擬案例、角色扮演,引導護理人員互相分享經驗。


Background: Nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) must be capable of employing appropriate styles of handling interpersonal conflicts to effectively communicate with medical teams, patients, and family members of patients. Objectives: To explore ICU nurses’ interpersonal communication competence, their styles of handling interpersonal conflicts, and the relationship between these two characteristics, as well as the predictors of the styles of handling interpersonal conflicts. Methods: Cross-sectional quantitative research approach was adopted, and convenience sampling was used to recruit 351 ICU nurses from three hospitals in Southern Taiwan. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, interpersonal communication competence scale, and styles of handling interpersonal conflict scale. Results: (1) ICU nurses demonstrated an overall interpersonal communication competence of moderate level and above; their most commonly used styles of handling interpersonal conflicts were, in sequential order, integrating, compromising, and obliging conflicts. (2) The higher is the educational attainment and job position of nurses, the better their interpersonal communication competence becomes. (3) The age of nurses that adopted the styles of compromising and avoiding interpersonal conflicts differed significantly; nurses who employed the styles of obliging, compromising, avoiding, and integrating interpersonal conflicts had significantly different educational attainment; the job position of nurses that handled interpersonal conflicts by obliging, compromising, and integrating them differed significantly; and nurses employing the styles of dominating, compromising, and integrating interpersonal conflicts differed significantly in terms of their seniority. (4) Interpersonal communication competence correlated significantly and positively with the styles of dominating, obliging, compromising, and integrating interpersonal conflicts. (5) Job position and interpersonal communication competence were predictors of the style of compromising interpersonal conflicts and explained 24.8% of the total variance; educational attainment and interpersonal communication competence explained 19.6% of the total variance in the style of integrating interpersonal conflicts. Conclusion and Practical Applications: Managers of nurses are recommended to incorporate topics regarding interpersonal communication and styles of handling interpersonal conflicts into training programs that ICU nurses must undertake every year.


林瑜雯、莊子萱、劉曦宸、陳韻柔、陳富莉(2011) ‧從醫療職場工作特質探討醫院護理長與臨床護理人員之工作壓力源‧臺灣公共衛生雜誌,30(3),245-256。
