  • 學位論文

強納生 綏夫特《格列佛遊記》二種中譯本比較研究

A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Versions of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在藉由韋奴蒂羅倫斯( Lawrence Venuti)的翻譯策略理論比較分析《Gulliver’s Travels》的二個中譯版本;分別是於2004年由「聯經出版社」出版,國科會經典譯注計畫下,由單德興翻譯的《格理弗遊記》,及2000年由「希代出版社」出版,張彬翻譯的《格列佛遊記》。 此研究論文共分為五章,依序為緒論、文獻探討、從翻譯策略比較《格列佛遊記》两個譯本、《格列佛遊記》两種譯本翻譯技巧之探討及結論。第三章及第四章為主要文本分析;第三章為比較翻譯策略,之下分二節對歸化及異化以語氣適當、歸化、異化、代名詞實質化及詞彙精確等,分五要點進行比較分析。第四章為探討两譯本的翻譯技巧,其下二節以語境、增詞、語序探討、誤譯及漏譯等五要點,探討其對語境圓融造成的影響。 本論文目的在藉由深入研究格列佛遊記中譯的過程、譯者的介入、不同翻譯策略及相異翻譯技巧所造成的影響等層面,來比較評析《格列佛遊記》二中譯本。希望藉由此研究論文,得以對西元1872年,其中譯版首見於《申報》後的多元翻譯現象,做一了解及分析;更做為爾後中譯此英國經典文學名著時的有用參考。


翻譯策略 異化翻譯 歸化翻譯 諷刺 語境


This research paper is aimed to investigate and compare the two translated Chinese versions of Gulliver’s Travels by employing the translation theory of foreignization and domestication by Lawrence Venuti. The two Chinese versions are “Gulliver’s Travels”, published by Lingking Publishing in 2004 and the “Gulliver’s Travels”, published by SITAK Group in 2000. This research paper is categorized into 5 chapters. Chapter 3 is dedicated to studying the translation strategies and Chapter 4 the translation techniques. Each of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are followed by two sub-chapters. Each of chapter 3 and Chapter 4 contains 5 sub-categories, including the tone of speaking, domestication, foreignization, amplification, context, false translation, omission, order of words, and professional phrases, total of 10 sub-categories in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. The purpose is to study in-depth the process of translation, the intervention of translators, the influence of different translation strategies adopted, and the translation techniques employed. By studying in depth the two Chinese versions, it is hoped that this research paper will make a contribution to probe the complexity of the Chinese translated texts of Gulliver’s Travels for future studies.


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