  • 學位論文


A Comparative study of two English-to-Chinese translation versions of Washington Irving’s: Rip Van Winkle as a case study

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在探討華盛頓‧歐文(Washington Irving)所著〈李伯大夢〉(Rip Van Winkle)之兩種不同英譯中版本,主要運用等效理論、歸化與異化理論,其他如分析比較翻譯過程中的詞彙與修辭、幽默素質等方式,進行比較研究與評析。 本研究共分五章,第一章將本研究之之動機、目的及方法進行敘述。第二章文獻探討,首先介紹〈李伯大夢〉作者生平及其成就,其次將所蒐集之原文與譯文版本做比較,再者則整理出等效理論之應用,以及歸化與異化策略之探討。第三章針對歸化與異化策略之應用、增譯與略譯之應用、誤譯與漏譯之探討,以及忠實原則,做比較研究。第四章說明兩種版本譯文在翻譯中詞彙精確與多元譯詞的探討,接著以幽默素質為主軸,比較兩種版本譯文。第五章乃是結論,透過比較譯文版本,探討翻譯過程的各種情況,藉以更為精進翻譯品質。 〈李伯大夢〉在作者生花妙筆之下,以幽默手法貫通全文,其中也包含了時代背景的影響,經歷了一次革命、一場關鍵戰爭、一個獨立建國,譯者除了了解原文作者的用語之外,背景知識也是翻譯過程中所需具備的條件之ㄧ。筆者希望透過本研究,除了探討各種翻譯策略應用之外,也能一窺文學翻譯的靈活與巧妙不同。希望本論文對華盛頓‧歐文、〈李伯大夢〉、美國文學、和中英文翻譯有興趣的讀者,能提供有益的參考價值。


This study aims at discussing two different Chinese translation versions of Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle by using Nida’s equivalent theory, and Venuti’s domestication and foreignization theories. This thesis also uses the method of comparative analysis to discuss the translation of vocabulary and some phrases, especially when the sentences and phrases are related to humor and other related elements. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter talks about the author’s motivation, purpose and method of the research. The second chapter is literary review, introducing Washington Irving and his literary achievement. In this chapter, the author also applies equivalence, domestication, and foreignization theories to comparing two Chinese translation versions. The third chapter compares the two versions in terms of such issues as the principles of addition, omission, translation error, missing translation, as well as faithful principle. The chapter four focuses on the translation of vocabulary, centering on the use of precision principle. The author emphasizes that a good translator must have sufficient different target language sentences to translate the source language sentences. Chapter five is the conclusion, emphasizing that the author pays special attention to humors because in Rip Van Winkle, there are a couple of descriptions related to Washington Irving’s special style of writing humor. The story of Rip Van Winkle covers the American Revolution, and the establishment of the United States of America. It is historically significant. The author hopes that the study will be helpful for those who are interested in literary translation and translation theory as well.


