  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on Two Chinese Translations of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations from the Perspective of Translation Strategy

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


本論文旨在研究與比較《國富論》(The Wealth of Nations)兩個中譯本。《國富論》是經濟學的經典著作,由亞當‧史密斯於1776年著作完成,對於經濟學的近代發展有重要的影響。筆者藉由比較兩種不同的中譯本,不僅可以瞭解翻譯的差異,也可以更進一步認識《國富論》書中的經濟學的思想。本論文共分五章,第一章說明筆者《國富論》的動機和目的,以及研究的方法,並說明語用學和羅倫斯‧韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)的歸化和異化理論如何應用於兩種版本之譯文。第二章是《國富論》著作與譯作的介紹以及文獻探討。第三章是經由語用學的觀點對於兩個版本的翻譯技巧做比較與分析。第四章是從韋努蒂的歸化與異化理論來研究文章中的詞彙、句子及段落。第五章是總結,並指出本研究的主要重點及啟示。透過兩種中譯本的翻譯比較,筆者希望本論文可以對於經濟學翻譯有興趣者有所助益。


The aim of the thesis is to research and compare the differences between two Chinese translations of The Wealth of Nations. The Wealth of Nations, written by Adam smith in 1776, is a classic which plays a crucial role in the development of modern economics. In this research, the author not only compares the two Chinese translations but also makes clear economic concepts in The Wealth of Nations. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the motive, the purpose, and the methodology of the essay, applying such theories as pragmatics, and domestication and foreignizaiton by Lawrence Venuti to this study. The second is the introduction of contents and the literature review of The Wealth of Nations. The third chapter is to compare and analyze translation skills in the two Chinese versions from the perspective of pragmatics. The fourth is to research the vocabulary, sentences, and passages from the view of domestication and foreignizaiton. The last chapter is a conclusion of the main ideas and findings of this essay. The author hopes that this essay will benefit those who are interested in the research of translation and understanding of economics.


Crystal, D. (1980). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (4th ed.).
Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Glache, F. R. (Ed.). (1978). Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations. Colorado: Colorado Associated University Press.
Smith, A. (1993). Great Books of the Western World. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.


