  • 學位論文


Molds of figures and creative Expression in the Fantastic comics

指導教授 : 曾興平


本研究目的在於探討奇幻漫畫人物造型概念與技法,以增進對於奇幻漫畫的瞭解與提昇創作表現能力。 首先分析奇幻文學及漫畫之有關文獻;瞭解奇幻漫畫意涵及其人物造型原則;其次從造型藝術、視覺心理等有關美學理論,以及中外名家相關動漫畫與插畫作品,探討漫畫人物造型之一般概念與原則,以及奇幻人物造型之特殊元素與技法等,作為創作實踐研究基礎。分析中國古典奇幻文學名著《西遊記》故事情節,選擇主要人物為題材,構作場景,創作「主題頁」模型,一方面作為各階段文本內容的人物造型樣本,一方面用以吸引讀者的興趣,而以電腦繪畫來代替傳統的筆刷與紙張等媒材,嘗試創造新穎、通俗與傳統兼容並蓄的時代性作品。 經過系列的理論與實務探討,不僅更深一層的體認奇幻漫畫的人物造型意涵、藝術價值與風格的多樣性,並且瞭解其造型一般原則。在創作實務上,更體驗到以傳統繪畫暨漫畫創作經驗為基礎,結合電腦繪圖的工具效能,更能提昇奇幻漫畫人物造型的效率與品質。


奇幻文學 奇幻人物 漫畫 造型 電腦繪畫


This study is to explore the concepts about the fantastic comics and the skills of molding their model characters, for the purpose of bettering the artist researcher's own ability and skills for this art. In order to understand the meaning and principles for molding the fantastic characters, some literary works concerning fantastic literature and comics are reviewed and analyzed. Then, the general principles for comics, especially those concerned with the elements and skills for fantastic figures, are sought by looking into related aesthetic theories and some popular comic works. At the same course, seven topics from The Adventure of MON-KEY, one of the most popular fantastic novels in the Chinese classical literature, are taken for a series of seven model works composed of the main characters and setting according to the story. Each serves as a front page as the norm for creating characters and the visual attractive to the readers. Computer graphics replaced the old media, but cooperate the traditional elements, for creating more popular, up-to-date images. Results of this study, provides the artist researcher not only a better understanding about the concepts and aesthetic values of the fantastic art, but also help refine his skill for creating fantastic characters. Furthermore, in the process of art making, the artist researcher has convinced himself that the combination of traditional comic drawing and computer graphic skills works more effectively and helps promote the quality of the artworks.


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