  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Servitization in Food Machinery Industry.

指導教授 : 莊立民


摘 要 服務經濟已成為全球經濟成長的重要來源,對先進國家尤為明顯;對於素有「製造王國」稱號的臺灣,如何藉由服務化的驅動,鞏固勞力成本外之核心優勢,開發高附加價值之能量,創造另一個能帶動經濟成長之引擎,為本研究欲探討之課題。 本研究透過訪談、觀察、資料分析,以及檢視量表研究方法,並輔以價值鏈及服務化相關之次級資料,以充分瞭解企業於轉型服務化時所面臨之關鍵因素,所採取之策略模式,及執行時之成功關鍵要素,期能歸納出適合台灣製造業轉型之參考。 研究發現提供相對應之設計與研發服務可為其策略方向,依據不同產業特性,而有所不同的發展模式及其策略可做參考。本研究主要以探索性分析食品機械業製造服務化能力的衡量量表作發展,在發展量表的階段,運用了文獻探討、專家訪談等研究程序,深入探討食品機械業的本質與意義、構面與評量指標。 在建構衡量模式階段,量表之信度考驗採用、Item-Total Correlation係數、Cronbach's  係數,來檢定量表內部一致性程度及其穩定性。並運用重要度績效分析法(IPA),求得業製造服務化後,重要度與優先執行的矩陣分析,來做為食品機械業服務化之實證。 關鍵詞:食品機械業、製造業服務化、重要度績效分析法( IPA )


Abstract Service economy has become a significant source of global economic growth, especially for developed countries. With the name of “manufacturing empire”, this research mainly discussed how Taiwan may strengthen core advantages other than labor cost, to develop high value-added structure through servitization. Through interviews, observations, data analysis and inspection of scales in research methods, this research tried to fully understand the key factors in the process of servitization, coping strategies and key successful factors with supplements of secondary data from value chain, with expects to conclude a reference for manufacturers in Taiwan looking for transformation. The research results show that the strategic direction should be based on different industrial characteristics to come up with adequate design and R&D service. This research conducted exploratory analysis on food machinery industry, to build a developing scale considering ability of servitization through literature review and expert interview, with full discussion over the nature and key factors of food machinery industry. In establishing the scaling model, this research took Item-Total correlation and Cronbach'sefficients to test the internal consistency and stability. IPA ( Importance-Performance Analysis ) is also applied to determine the priority of matrix analysis after servitization as empirical evidence. Keywords : Food Machinery Industry , Servitization , IPA


Food Machinery Industry Servitization IPA


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