  • 學位論文

應用系統思考於水循環課程與數位學習 平台設計之研究

Application of E-learning Platform on System Thinking for Water Cycle Course

指導教授 : 賴信志




There is fruitful water information for disaster prevention and weather forecast in Taiwan, this study applied the information for teaching water-related sciences and utilized system thinking to build an E-learning platform. System thinking would guide learners forming small elements to understand the whole system. Training for System thinking includes (a) understand how many components in system, (b) understand the composition relationship of components in system, (c) understand the composition dynamic relationship in system, (d) understand system structure, (e) understand the process of circulation in system. This study developed web-based water cycle curricular and use of 「Cloud」、「Rain」、「Surface water」elements to build a web platform, using real time data and integrate observation from outdoor and allow students to establish an intact water cycle system. The platform uses 「Water in the sky」、「Humidity」、「Ground water」as components of water cycle, and utilize real-time satellite graphic、rainfall、reservoir information and air humidity to connect components for understanding the relationship between every process in water cycle. This study adopt Technology Acceptance Model to evaluate useful and ease of use of the platform, information ability was designed as external variables of TAM. 38 teachers were invited to evaluate the platform, the result shown the information ability is not significant, it means information ability is not the key issue for using the system thinking E-learning platform. But response from teachers indicated the platform is very useful and suitable in teaching natural science course and helpful in water cycle instruction.


江映瑩、孫志鴻、賴進貴 (民94),「網路資源Google Earth 的教學應用」,生活科技教育月刊,第38卷, 126-144頁。
梁淑娟(民93),「親子遊戲治療—系統性思考的介入處遇」,輔導季刊,第40卷, 42-48頁。
許智銘(民98)。「Google Earth數位教材平台建置與應用於自然與生活科技領域教學之研究」,碩士論文。
陳文福、林志彥(民98),「Google Maps應用於國中坡地防災教學之研究-以台中縣外埔國中為例」,坡地防災學報,第8卷,51-66頁。
陳年興(民97),「混成同步學習環境中之即時互動現象」,國立臺南大學理工研究學報,第 42卷,59-72頁。
