  • 學位論文


A Study of Skills for English-to-Chinese Translation of Essentials of Baking

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


英翻中作品在台灣占所有翻譯作品的多數,要進行此類文件翻譯,除了要有良好的英文能力外,尚需要足夠專業知識及翻譯技巧,才能使譯文準確及完整。故本研究以筆者翻譯作品《烘焙要領指南》初譯及再譯經驗,探討兩種譯文版本的差異,並依照兩個原則作分析: 一為羅倫斯.韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)的歸化、異化翻譯策略,二為一般性文本分析;也就是就修辭與文法原則作分析。經初譯與再譯兩種譯本比較後,筆者在各章結語和結論中提供給此類文件譯者一些建議。本論文共分為六章:第一章為緒論,包括研究動機與目的及研究方法。第二章為文獻探討,包括《烘焙要領指南》作者及其內容大要,有關《烘焙要領指南》相關的著作評介及中文結構分析。第三章為從翻譯策略看《烘焙要領指南》的筆譯技巧和原則,包括異化原則與譯文的適切性及歸化原則與譯文的適切與流暢。第四章從語意與語氣的表現看《烘焙要領指南》的筆譯技巧,包括語意的補足,語氣的加強及語序的調整。第五章為從文化觀點看《烘焙要領指南》英譯中的譯文呈現,包括增詞與代名詞實質化,詞彙翻譯的適切與譯文的改正。筆者之研究發現,譯者若僅照原文做直譯式翻譯,沒有注意異化特色,沒有遵守文章流暢性及適切性,乃至於標點符號用錯等等,不但影響作品的品質,且造成讀者理解的混淆不清。譯者應避免此類錯誤,俾使讀者能以最輕鬆而又有效的方式去理解翻譯作品。


English-to-Chinese translation has been a majority of all translations in Taiwan’s book market. It requires not only good English ability, but also professional knowledge and translation skills for a translator to complete his or her good work. This study discusses the difference between the first and the second versions of the author’s translations by analyzing her translation from foreignizing and domesticating theories of Lawrence Venuti as well as from the view points of fluency and appropriation in presenting good translation. As the author of this thesis, I hope my suggestions will be helpful to all translators. This thesis covers 6 chapters. Chapter 1 states the motivation, purpose and method of this thesis. Chapter 2 introduces the author of Essentials of Baking, its main texts, and Chinese translations of other cooking books, and analysis of Chinese structure. Chapter 3 applies Venuti’s translation theory of foreignization and domestication to evaluating my translations. Chapter 4 emphasizes the importance of translating words, adjustment of word order and complement of words. Chapter 5 explains such skills as amplification, materialization of pronouns and corrections of translation. Chapter 6 sums up the findings and suggestions from the translating process. My research finds that good translators must take care of translations’ cultural factors, fluency, loyalty as well as skills of punctuation, paragraph development and other grammatical rhetoric factors and in particular the cultural differences between the two languages in question. Hopefully the thesis can provide useful suggestions to those who are interested in English-to- Chinese translation.


foreignization domestication rhetoric grammar


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