  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effects of Floor Area Ratio on Urban Land-use Change

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


近年來,土地使用變遷之相關研究,皆著重於運用土地使用變遷預測模型,模擬土地使用之變遷和發展狀況。因此,本研究利用細胞自動機模型,模擬台南市五期重劃區土地使用變遷過程,並將焦點置於探討容積率對土地使用變遷之影響。 容積率可以反應單位土地之使用強度,高強度土地使用可容納較多元的都市發展活動,對於提升土地價值具有正面效用,低強度土地使用則否,因此,當土地開發者考量土地開發與否的同時,開發基地所具備之使用強度,將直接影響土地開發者之決策行為選擇。 因此,本研究首先藉由調升台南市五期重劃區內住宅區之容積率,觀察容積率之放寬對土地使用變遷之影響,其次分析在容積率不變的情況下,高密度人口和低密度人口對土地使用分佈情形之影響。結果顯示,放寬容積率土地使用將朝商業使用發展,然而在容積率不變情形下,高密度人口地區,土地使用將朝商業使用發展,而低密度人口地區,土地使用將朝住宅使用發展。


Land use change research use land use change model to simulate land use change and development in recent years. In this study, use of cellular automata simulation the Fifth Consolidation area in Tainan city land-use changes, and will focus as for the floor area ratio of land-use change. Floor area ratio can response to the intensity of land use, high-intensity land use can accommodate diverse urban development activities, and will enhance the value of land has a positive effect, low-intensity land use is not. Therefore, when land developers to consider the development of the base, the development of land by the intensity of land use will have a direct impact decision-making on land development. Therefore, this research raise the floor area ratio of residential areas on the Fifth Consolidation area in Tainan city, and observation of the rate increase floor area ratio impact on land use changes, and then analysis of the same floor area ratio of cases, the high-density population and low-density population on the impact of land-use changes. As a research, we find land use will become commerce when rise the floor area ratio, and when the floor area ratio unchanged, land use will become commerce on high-density population area, and land use will become resident on low-density population area.


Land Use Change Cellular Automata


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