  • 學位論文


The application of relevance theory to studying cultural translation problems of The Butcher’s Wife

指導教授 : 藍月素


近年來由於各國的文化交流日益緊密,許多學術研究逐漸將文化研究納為研究的重心,以溝通為主的翻譯研究當然不可置身事外。翻譯研究過往強調語言層面的對等,較少有人考慮如何讓目標語讀者與原文達到最佳關聯;即如何讓讀者以最小的處理能力,獲取最大的語境效果,讓目標語讀者可以如同原文讀者一般,享受閱讀原文的樂趣;此議題也就是本研究的重點。 《殺夫》一書藉由大膽的議題與深刻的描寫,獲得聯合報中篇小說的首獎。書中描述的背景是民心淳樸的鹿港,當地人民所使用的語言、信奉的宗教、吟唱的民謠,都是書中特有的文化特色,譯者如何將這些具有文化特色的意象傳遞給譯文讀者實屬不易。因此筆者運用強調達到最佳關聯的關聯理論作為此學術論文的理論架構,以探討《殺夫》一書英譯本之人名稱謂、民間宗教習俗、台灣歌謠、台灣諺語以及咒罵語等文化翻譯問題。 當原文讀者與譯文讀者的文化背景有落差時,譯者為翻譯上述文化翻譯單位時,唯有對原文作適當的調整,並利用注釋、註解等翻譯策略,才能提供譯文讀者與原文最具有關聯性的語境。希望藉由此論文的研究結果能對文化翻譯研究有所貢獻。


Cultural interactions among nations increase in recent years. Numerous academic studies have centered on cultural studies; communication oriented translation field makes no exception. Previous translation studies overemphasizes equivalence at linguistic level instead of paying attention to the importance of how to make target-readers reach optimal relevance with the source text; i.e. how to enable them to acquire greatest contextual effects in the translation with least processing efforts as source readers do. To review a translation in terms of its quality of facilitating target readers to build up optimal relevance with the source text is the purpose of this thesis. The Butcher’s Wife along with daring issues and elaborate narration has won the novella prize of the United Daily News . Setting in Lukang with na??ve natives, local discourse, religious beliefs and folk songs, the cultural images of The Butcher’s Wife are arduous for translators to translate for target-readers. Consequently, this thesis will apply relevance theory as a theoretical framework to analyze cultural translation problems such as polite appellations, folk religious beliefs, Taiwanese folk songs, Taiwanese old sayings and cusswords of The Butcher’s Wife. When cultural gaps exist between source-readers and target-readers, translators must apply adequate adjustments, like annotations, footnotes, explanatory notes to provide relevant contextual effects of the source texts at all costs to target readers to achieve the optimal translation. It is hoped the result of this thesis can contribute to the translation of folk cultural terms.


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Gutt, E.-A. (2006). Aspect of “Culture Literacy” Relevant to Bible Translation.


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