  • 學位論文

中國克山病理論爭議(1935-2000) : 滿洲科學與群眾科學

指導教授 : 鐘月岑 雷祥麟


摘要 克山病是一種發生於中國東北地區的地方病,1935年克山病首度爆發於克山地區,約於1980年前後在中國消失。克山病曾經一度是中華人民共和國的嚴重疾病,克山病最嚴重的時期曾經跨越中國十六個省份,三百零九個縣,病區人口高達1.24億,嚴重威脅、影響著上億人的健康。 關於克山病致病原因的研究,在滿洲國時期,滿洲醫科大學的原亨教授認為是慢性的一氧化碳中毒所致,並且利用實驗室的實驗裝置及動物實驗來驗證其學說。原亨提出的慢性CO中毒學說,在滿洲國時期的克山病研究中佔有非常重要的地位,並且延伸成為滿洲國政府重要的公共衛生政策。 但是在解放後的大陸學界,在毛澤東思想的啟發下,興起了一種新的科學觀點,當時稱為「群眾科學」。不論在科學方法和科學社群上,群眾科學都與實驗室科學有著相當大的差異,例如群眾科學排斥實驗室研究,認為實驗室這個場域脫離群眾,此外群眾科學鼓勵群眾參與甚至進行科學研究,也造成了科學社群疆界的大幅度變動。在克山病研究中,群眾科學透過對動物白肌病的聯想,提出了新的克山病致病理論:「硒缺乏論」。硒缺乏論認為克山病是由於微量元素硒(Se)攝取不足所致。 本文試圖透過比較滿洲科學社群與解放後的大陸科學社群在研究方法與科學社群組成上的差異,來說明兩個科學社群為何會各自提出「慢性CO中毒學說」和「硒缺乏論」兩種截然不同的克山病致病學說,並且透過克山病研究的案例,對於學界尚十分陌生的「群眾科學」進行初步的分析與研究。


China’s Keshan Disease Theory Dispute between Manchukuo’s Science & Mass Science (1935-2000) Mark Lin Abtract Keshan disease is an endemic disease in China. In 1935, the first disease outbreak in Manchuria, was noticed by the Manchukuo’s scientists. After 1949, Keshan disease became a serious disease in the People’s Republic of China. Once it spread across sixteen provinces, and threatened more than a hundred million lives. In Manchukuo’s science, Dr. Hara(原亨)believed Keshan disease is caused by chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. He used laboratory instruments and animal model to verify his theory. Dr Hara’s theory is important in Manchukuo, and became Manchukuo’s public health policy. After PRC being established, the Chinese’ society rose a new kind of science, called “Mass science” which is inspired by the Mao’s ideas. Mass science rejected laboratory science, and encouraged the people to join science researches. Mass science believed Keshan disease had nothing to do with carbon monoxide poisoning, but caused by dietary deficiency of selenium. This research has two objectives: First, I try to compare the scientific community difference between Manchukuo’s science and Mass science, and explain why two scientific communities have large different views about the cause of Keshan disease. Second, I also try to use this case to classify Mass science, which is still strange in today’s science. In Conclusion, I believe that Manchukuo’s science community was influenced by modern science and believed that Chinese society is inferior and filthy, and Keshan disease must be caused by its’ own underlying factors. On the contrary, Mass science which was related to the Chinese’s local people and resisted to follow Japanese’s idea did not accept the filthy factor as the cause of Keshan disease. Instead of carbon monoxide poisoning, they used dietary deficiency of selenium , an environmental factor. At last, I believe the forms of science community lead to different views of Keshan disease, and even its cause of the disease.




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