  • 學位論文


A Study on the Writing of Objects by the Poets in the Northern Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 李貞慧


傳統詩學在詠物詩的評論上,偏愛托物抒情言志的內容,而較不重視詩人的寫物表現。可是宋代詩人無論是在詩歌的創作上,或是對前人詩歌的評論中,都顯示出對寫物的高度關注。因此,本文重新考察詠物詩的意義與發展,提取出北宋詩人寫物的詩歌加以論述,希望重新喚起讀者對詩歌寫物面向的重視,以及對宋代詩人寫物表現的重新認識。 本文包括緒論與結論共分為八個部分。首先,梳理詠物詩的發展,提出傳統詩學重抒情、輕寫物的可能原因,並說明北宋詩人在理論上對寫物的重視。其次,分別論述北宋詩人值得關注的寫物表現。西崑詩人因其特殊的身分地位與創作環境,他們的詩充滿超現實的環境描述,目的在表彰自我的優越感。梅堯臣擴展寫物題材,他的詩具有議論與說理的內容,生動而平實的寫物表現可以補充其詩歌講求「平淡」的理念。歐陽修對物我關係的處理,使物與賞物者產生積極互動的關係,他以史筆虛構,為物撰史,對物的價值判斷不受他人影響。王安石寫物重視顏色的運用與鋪陳,並將自身經驗與典故並陳,造成與前人對話的效果。蘇軾以詩表述意見,並利用哲理包藏物欲,他的寫物言說注意貼合,使描述與論述合情合理。黃庭堅與陳師道在典故運用上成果不一,一靈活,一僵硬,黃庭堅的〈演雅〉顯示他對典故的運用具有自覺意識。 研究北宋詩人寫物,可以幫助我們理解宋人寫物的成就,重建詠物詩的發展史,並橫向開展出與抒情傳統、敘事傳統對話的可能。


寫物 詠物詩 物我關係 抒情言志 典故


Traditional poetics emphasizes the lyrical and expressive content of object-chanting poems and pays less attention to the writing of objects. However, the poets of Song Dynasty showed great attention to writing objects either in composing poetry or in their comments on predecessor's poems. Therefore, this study re-examines the meaning and development of object-chanting poems, discusses the poetry of writing objects of poets in the Northern Song Dynasty, hopes to lead to the readers’ attention to the writing of objects and re-examine the performance of poets in Song Dynasty. This study is divided into eight parts that include both introduction and conclusion. First of all, this study clarifies the development of object-chanting poems; finds out the possible causes on why traditional poetics emphasize lyricism and neglect writing of objects; and explains that poets in the Northern Song Dynasty emphasized writing objects in their theories. Secondly, it separately discusses the writing objects performance of poets in the Northern Song Dynasty which is worth of attention. Due to their special status and environment, the Xikun poets were full of surreal environmental description in their poems, aimed to express their superiority. Mei Yao-Chen expanded the subject matter of the writing of objects, and his poems had content of argumentation and truth. The vivid and plain writing objects performance can supplement his concept of "plainness". Ouyang Xiu's handling of the relationship between the object and himself created a positive interaction between the object and the person who appreciates it. He wrote history for the objects in a fictitious way, and his judgment on the value of things was not influenced by others. Wang An-Shi paid attention to color in his poems and combined his experience and allusions to create a dialogue with his predecessors. Su Shi expressed his opinion in the poems and used philosophy to hide the desire for materials. His writing object poems paid attention to fitting, so that the description and discussion are reasonable. Huang Ting-Jian and Chen Shi-Dao had different performance in the use of allusions, the former is flexible, and the latter is rigid. Huang Ting-Jian's poem "Yan Ya" showed he had conscious awareness of the use of allusions. Studying the writing of objects by poets in the Northern Song Dynasty can help us understand the achievements of the poets in writing objects, reconstruct the development history of object-chanting poems, and open up the possibility of dialogue with lyrical and narrative tradition.



