  • 學位論文


Evaluation of the performance of FMS in collegiate female students

指導教授 : 黎俊彥


功能性動作篩檢是一個可快速鑑別出人體動作功能的極限及不對稱性的檢測,所檢測的動作共7項,包括深蹲(deep squat)、跨欄步(hurdle step)、直線弓箭步(in-line lunge)、肩關節活動(shoulder mobility)、直膝抬腿(active straight leg raise)、俯臥撐(trunk stab push up)及旋轉穩定性(rotary stability)。過去FMS的研究對象運動員具多,對運動員以外的一般年輕人較少,而且以國內年輕族群對國外FMS表現之研究少。本研究將針對一般女性大專學生進行一次FMS篩檢。方法:招募70名女性大專學生作為研究對象,皆進行一次FMS檢測,以描述性統計(mean±SD)方法呈現各個測驗之結果,再以國外FMS篩檢表現之相關文獻與本研究檢測得的數據來加以比較、分析與探討。結果:FMS測試中之過頭深蹲、跨越障礙、直線弓箭步、肩胛帶活動度、直膝抬腿之得分平均分別為2.6± 0.5分、1.8± 0.6分、2.4± 0.5分、2.7± 0.5分與2.6± 0.5分;而伏地挺身和轉體穩定之得分平均分別為平均為1.9 ± 0.5分與2.0± 0.4分。結果顯示過頭深蹲、直線弓箭步、肩胛帶活動度、直膝抬腿等項目之表現皆比過外相關研究佳,而跨越障礙、伏地挺身及轉體穩定等項目之表現則比國外相關研究差。


The Functional Movement Screen(FMS)is a testing method to quickly screen the body balance and the limitation of movement for human body. There are seven fundamental movements, including Deep squat, Hurdle Step, Inline lunge, Shoulder mobility, Active straight leg raise (ASLR), Trunk stability push up, Rotary stability. The past researches of FMS were mainly focused on athletes rather than the youth. In the meantime, there is lack of research of the youth group with training for FMS. Over the past FMS object of study with athletes and more, young people are generally less than athletes. Moreover, there are few studies on the performance of foreign FMS by domestic young ethnic groups. Method: To recruit 70 female college students to be the candidates. All of them were tested by FMS, and the relevant literatures of foreign FMS screening performance were compared with the data detected in this study. The statistical method of this study is descriptive statistics (mean±SD) presentation. Result: The average scoring of squat, hurdle step, lunge, shoulder, ASLR were 2.6+0.5 points, 1.8+0.6 points, 2.4+0.5 points, 2.7+0.5 points and 2.6+0.5 points respectively. In the meantime, the average scoring of push up and rotary stability were 1.9+0.5 points and 2.0+0.4 points respectively. Compare with the overseas researches, the result of FMS to show that the deep squat, hurdle step, inline lunge, shoulder mobility, ASLR are better than the past results; the trunk stability push up and rotary stability are worse than the past results.


Core training Plyometric training FMS


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