  • 學位論文

國際航空運送人責任— 1999年蒙特婁公約的美國司法實務分析

Liabilities of International Air Carriers: Analyses of American Judicial Practice of the 1999 Montreal Covention

指導教授 : 黃居正


一九九九年簽署完成締約的蒙特婁公約,全盤性取代一九二九年制定後歷經多次增修的華沙公約體系。華沙公約體系的制法目的係為保護新興的航空產業不致因須承擔航空運送的高風險而發展停滯,蒙特婁公約更重視消費者利益的保護,使消費者能獲得更公平的損害賠償。雖言蒙特婁公約欲取代華沙公約體系,但在實用上仍須適時回顧過去學說與實務所建立的方法論與重要判決見解。美國在全球飛航佔有重要地位,其法院如何解釋與適用華沙公約體系及蒙特婁公約,便成為全球各國重要的參考指標。 本文從美國近十年的司法實務出發,檢視蒙特婁公約預期目的之實踐效能及實務解釋的趨勢,包含蒙特婁公約的設計體制、責任規範要件、責任限額及專屬管轄等面向。由於公約對部分法律要件未有明確指示,美國法院不斷試圖對未明確定義的要件建立較一般性、具體性的判斷準則,以協助法院判定旅客可否依據公約規定向運送人請求賠償。美國法院致力於實踐蒙特婁公約保護消費者權益的目標,值得肯定。未來相關單位仍應定期檢視公約的規範內容是否能夠與時俱進,以對應產業與各國實務的發展需求。


The Montreal Convention was signed in 1999, replacing the Warsaw Convention System that was extensively revised after it was enacted in 1929. The Warsaw Convention System is to protect emerging aviation industry from stagnation due to the high risk of air transportation. The Montreal Convention focus on the protection of consumer interests and enables consumers to obtain equitable compensation. The Montreal Convention replaced the Warsaw Convention System, but the case in judicial practice is still necessary to review the methodology and important judgments established by past doctrines and practices in a timely manner. The United States is in an important position on global flight transportation. How the courts interpret and apply between the Warsaw Convention System and the Montreal Convention has become a crucial reference indicator for countries all over the world. Based on the judicial practice of the United States in the past decade, this paper examines the trends in practical interpretation and expected purpose effectiveness of the Montreal Convention, including the principles and infrastructure of international carrier’s liability, the monetary limitations and exclusive jurisdiction. Since the Convention does not explicitly indicate some legal requirements, US courts continue to attempt to establish more general and specific criteria for undefined definitions, assisting the court in determining whether passengers can claim compensation from the carrier in accordance with the provisions of the Convention. The US court is committed to fulfill the Montreal Convention's goal of protecting consumer rights. In the future, relevant organizations should review regularly on whether the normative content of the Convention can keep pace with the times, meeting the development needs of industries and countries.


