  • 學位論文


An Action Research to Improve English Learning Interests of the Eighth Graders by Applying AMAZE Modules

指導教授 : 林志成


本研究旨在探討運用教學卓越方案中的AMAZE教學模組融入八年級英語教學,以提升學生英語學習興趣。研究者以翰林版國中英語第三冊為教材,對德惠高中附設國中部8年1班的43位學生,進行兩個循環三次的教學活動行動研究。 研究者透過課堂教學觀察記錄、教師教學省思札記、訪談記錄、同儕教師領域對話記錄等,取得質性研究資料。同時,根據英語學習興趣量表,蒐集量化資料。最後,進行研究資料的分析與討論。研究結論如下: 一、透過備課、方案計畫、教學設計與實施、省思與修正之循環歷程,研究者不斷地修正教學活動中所面臨的各種問題,最後提出AMAZE模組強化版。 二、AMAZE模組強化版可提升學生參與課堂活動的熱情,而以學生為中心的分組討論活動,可讓英語課堂變得更有趣,也能讓學生願意在課堂之外延續英語的學習加強自我英語能力。 最後,根據研究結論,提出一些具體建議,提供給國中英語教師、學校行政單位以及未來研究者參考。


The study explores ways to enhance the English learning experience for eighth grade students by using the AMAZE Modules. My research material was mainly from the Hanlin English Book Three. Three teaching plans were designed in two cycles. The research subjects were 43 students in class 801, attending the Tehui High School from October 2018 to January 2019. The researcher made detailed observations, wrote reflective journals, interviewed the students, held weekly meetings with peers, and amended difficulties as they arose. The researcher was able to obtain all the qualitative data from these. The research subjects filled out questionnaires stating their interest levels while using this teaching method. The researcher obtained the quantitative data according to the pre-test and post-test questionnaires. Finally, the researcher analyzed and compared the qualitative and quantitative data. The conclusions of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The implementation of the AMAZE module method of teaching integrated into junior high school English classes. This involved, preparing lessons, making lesson plans, designing courses, implementing lesson plans, reflecting and amending. The researcher constantly solved the various problems that arose while teaching, and finally proposed an enhanced version of the AMAZE module. 2. The enhanced version of the AMAZE module promoted enthusiasm among the students, including their participation in class activities. Discussion activities based around 'student-centered instruction', gave the students a greater desire to speak as well as their willingness to interact with the teacher. It increased their resolve to research English further outside of the classroom environment. Finally, based on the research conclusions, some specific suggestions are proposed. These are provided to the Junior High School English teachers, the school administrative units, and future researchers as reference.


