  • 學位論文


A Study on分(pun/hun/ hūn)in Taiwanese Southern Min

指導教授 : 葉美利


本文從認知語言學的觀點探討臺灣閩南語「分」字的多義現象。根據《教育部臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典》,「分」有三個讀音,分別是文讀音hun、白讀音pun,以及hūn;雖然 hūn在辭典 並未有單獨的詞項。就功能與意義而言,白讀的pun多做為動詞,表達「發送、分配、施捨、乞討、領養」等含意;文讀的hun可以當名詞,表示計算單位、也用來比喻程度的深淺;還可當動詞,指「離開、分散」的動作或狀態等。 研究發現,pun 的原型意義是一個「分割給予」的意象基模(image schema),用於動態的對各種事物的處置動作。此基模不但有分割,還有給出的成分,進而產生pun的給予意涵,並從給予發展到「分我看、分人食」之類的使讓用法,基於觀點的不同,便產生像華語「借」一樣的雙向識解(construal)。而hun 的原型意義則是「切分」,作用於靜態的對某事物動作所呈現狀態的描述;hūn,與hun的差別在於聲調,意義上我們認為是透過轉喻以動作代替動作的結果。 從「分」字讀音及語意的發展,我們發現文白讀的分工隨著時空的演變、加上以聲別義的運作,詞彙的應用也跟著改變,語言接觸、競爭、消融和沉積導致hun、pun在使用上有所區別,各個義項基於不同的意象基模,語意經過隱喻和轉喻的方式延伸,各個語意之間以家族相似的方式結合成一個整體。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the polysemy “分” in Taiwanese Southern Min from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. According to the MOE TSM Common Words Dictionary, 分has three different pronunciations: Literary readings HUN, colloquial readings PUN ,and HūN ,which doesn’t stand as an independent lexical item in the dictionary. The three display differences in function and meanings. PUN is often used as a verb, meaning ‘send, assign, give, beg, or adopt’ etc.; HUN is often used as a noun indicating the unit of measurement or is combined with numerals to describe degree or extent , it can also be used as a verb denoting ‘depart’, ‘separate’ or is ‘distribute’. It is proposed that, the prototypical meaning of PUN implies an image schema of dynamic events of segmentation and giving out. The giving element leads to the further shift to causative function as in pun guá khuànn ‘let me have a look’ and pun lâng tsia̍h ‘let somebody share the food’. For PUN to denote both ‘give’ and ‘beg’ in fact is a matter of differences in perspective, as word tsioh in Mandarin Chinese, which can mean both ‘borrow’ and ‘lend’ depending on the preposition it collocates . The word HUN’s prototypical meaning is ‘divide’, the difference between HūN and HUN lies in the tones. In Chinese, the derivation between nouns and verbs can be marked by tones, and therefore we considered it was the result of metonymy, using Action to name the Result. Along with sound change and semantic evolution, come the co-existence of the literary reading and colloquial reading, and the differences in the contexts different pronunciations of 分 is used.


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