  • 學位論文


The Feasibility and Effects of Multiple Intelligence Theory on Chinese Teaching in Junior High School

指導教授 : 陳鳳如


多元智能理論為美國哈佛大學嘉德納教授Gardner (1983)所提出,後於1995年再行修訂的一種智力理論(Gardner, 1995)。他認為每個人至少有八種智能,而非傳統的單一智能,學校在發展學生各方面智能的同時,必須留意每一個學生都擁有某些優勢智能,引導學生運用其強項學習,亦能扶助弱勢智能的發展。 因之,國文老師如能在課程中依照學生的優勢智能加以設計課程,並引導學生發展其八大智能,學生對國文學習動機與學習成效應會有所提升。本研究基於此理念,透過行動研究的方法先行試探多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學的可行性,經由行動、反思、修正的歷程,規劃出較具體可行的教學設計,而後進一步分析多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學的成效。本研究參與研究者係新竹市智能國中八年級樂樂班學生,由研究者對其進行13週多元智能理論應用在國中國文的教學,並蒐集教學過程中的錄影紀錄、觀察紀錄、研究者的省思札記、學生的訪談、國文學習回饋單,以及「國文學習動機量表」的前後測、三次「國文學習成就測驗」,以分析多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學的成效。 研究結果發現: 一、多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學是可行的,唯在獎勵制度、常規秩序、學生優勢能力及教師教學時間的掌握上,宜妥適調配及規劃,方能彰顯出教學成效。 二、多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學,對學生國文學習動機之情感成分、價值成分、學習信念、學習堅持力及整體學習動機達顯著的增進效果(t(40 )=4.56、2.96、4.70、4.03、5.33, p<.05),且皆是後測的平均數顯著高於前測的平均數(M=3.53> M=3.06、M=3.84> M=3.52、M=3.23> M=2.69、M=3.20> M=2.76、M=3.45> M=3.01),顯示將多元智能應用在國文教學有助於提升學生在國文的情感成分、價值成分、學習信念、學習堅持力,以及整體的學習動機。 三、多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學,學生的三次國文段考成績達顯著差異(F(2,80)=40.02, p<.05),事後比較的結果顯示:第三段考的國文成績顯著優於第一次段考和第二次段考(M=74.00> M=63.10、M=74.00> M=65.24),可見隨著教學介入次數的增加,學生之國文成績有顯著的增進效果。再就趨向分析的結果顯示,學生之國文成績有顯著的直線及二次增進趨向(F(1,40)=50.56、14.81, p<.05);亦即隨著教學介入次數的增加,學生之國文成績的增進效果初期較緩慢,及至後期的增進效果愈形顯著。 四、接受多元智能理論應用在國中國文教學的學生,由原先對國文教學非常喜歡的有5%、喜歡的有58%,歷經13週的教學後,增加到非常喜歡的有22%、喜歡的有76%;反之,學生對國文教學表達不喜歡的有32%、非常不喜歡的有5%,降為不喜歡的有2%、非常不喜歡的是0%。尤其會主動去復習所學過的課程之人次比例也明顯增加。 根據上述的研究結果,對多元智能應用在國文教學及未來進一步的研究,提出一些具體的建議。


Multiple Intelligences Theory had been first proposed by Howard Earl Gardner since 1983, and further modified in1995. This theory depicts that human intelligence are differentiated into specific modalities, instead of regarding intelligence as domination of a single general ability. A person may be particularly strong in a specific area and possesses a range of abilities. Teachers are recommended to support students developing their superior intelligences when learning, also giving positive feedback on effects of promoting weak intelligences. According to the theory, students have the chance to get higher learning motivation and learning outcomes if they understand their own strengths. Teachers are inspired to work to integrate Gardner's theory into the classroom and curriculum design. This study make a thorough inquiry to the feasibility, the motivation and learning outcomes of applying the multiple-intelligence theory on Chinese instruction with action research in teaching, going through taking action, reflection, and modification to plan a much better concrete and feasible teaching design. The subjects in this study was from the eighth grade students in a middle school in Hsinchu City, and the motivation and learning outcomes of students during multiple-intelligence integrated Chinese instruction are supported by different learning evidence, including the classroom videos, classroom Observations, reflection notes of the researcher, interviews from students, teaching feedback sheet, pretests and post-tests of Chinese learning motivation scale (LMS), as well as three Chinese learning assessments. The results suggested that, 1) It is feasible for teachers to apply the multiple-intelligence theory on Chinese instruction in middle school under the condition that award systems, classroom rules, sustainable competitive advantages for students, and teaching time are supposed to be appropriately planned in order to get better teaching outcomes. 2) There are statistically significant promotion in the affective, value determinants, the ability-related beliefs and volition of motivation as well as the overall motivation during multiple-intelligence integrated Chinese instruction, showing that such the teaching method would help promote the all aspects in motivation for students. 3) There is statistically significant improvement in the average scores of the third sectional Chinese examination compared to the first and second sectional Chinese examination this semester. Moreover, for the trend analysis, there are statistically significant linear and second order polynomial increase regression of Chinese scores. That is to say, the students make a little progress of Chinese scores in the initial stage, but there is more and more promotion in the later period. 4) Overall, the students are much more favorite to multiple-intelligence integrated Chinese instruction, showing that it is more easy for students to get involved in the learning and behave more intently. The study found that multiple-intelligence integrated Chinese instruction have significant impact on the learning motivation and the learning outcomes for the middle school students. It was concluded that such teaching strategy not only eliminate the rigidity on teaching, tedious process, and passive learning resulted from didactic teaching, but also successfully motivating students and promoting learning outcomes.


