  • 學位論文


Counselor Interns’ Experience of Professional Identity Development

指導教授 : 施香如


本研究旨在探究全職實習諮商心理師專業認同發展經驗。透過對六位研究參與者進行半結構深度訪談進行資料蒐集。透過主題分析法進行資料分析,以瞭解全職實習諮商心理師的專業認同狀態、全職實習期間的專業認同發展歷程和促進及阻礙因素。本研究主要發現如下: 一、六位研究參與者的諮商專業認同發展故事有其獨特性,分別為「全力以赴堅守信念,接納限制的韌」、「逐步靠近真實,突破框架尋回自我的信」、「信念瓦解,學習自我接納與肯定的可」、「突破侷限拓展視野,形塑助人風格的柔」、「觀望到嘗試,長出專業自信的黎」和「自主整合實踐,更獨立的剛」。 二、全職實習諮商心理師的專業認同狀態及發展歷程可分為:「拓展與深化期」、「調適與重塑期」、「實踐與體悟期」三個來回移動、循環發展的階段說明。 三、促進及阻礙全職實習諮商心理師專業認同發展之因素包含「個人層面」、「專業實務層面」、「關係層面」及「環境層面」,彼此在不同階段交互作用,對專業認同發展產生影響。 最後,依據本研究之結果,分別針對全職實習諮商心理師、實習機構、相關教育人員及未來相關研究,提出建議。


The purpose of this study is to explore the professional identity development experience of counselor interns. Data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with six participants. The data were analyzed by thematic analysis to understand the status and development process of professional identity of counselor during internship and the factors that promote and hinder it. The main findings of this study were as followings: 1.The stories of consultation professional identity development of the six participants had their own characteristics, namely, "the tenacity to stick to beliefs and accept constraints with all one's strength", "stepping closer to reality, breaking through the framework to find his own self", "beliefs disintegrated, re-learning self-acceptance and affirmation", "breaking through limitations and broadening horizons, and shaping self style as a helper". "looking and trying to achieve professional confidence" and "self-integration in action, more independent". 2.The professional identity status and development process of counselor interns can be divided into three move back and forth stages: “expansion and deepening period”, “adjustment and remodeling period”, “action and recognition period”. 3.The factors that promote and hinder the development of professional identity of counselor interns include "personal level", "professional practice level", "relationship level" and "environmental level". They interact with each other at different stages and had an impact on the development of professional identity. Finally, some recommendation according to the findings were proposed for the counselor interns, training institutions, educators, and future researches.


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