  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 徐憶萍


本論文旨在探討「主題結構分析法」(Topical Structure Analysis)之教學/學習方式能否精進寫作上的篇章連貫性。『篇章連貫性』往往被視為一種定義模糊的概念,造成教師在教學上與學生在學習上的困難,即便是文法觀念良好的英語學習者,寫作時也會出現缺乏篇章連貫性的問題。自1987年起,學者開始廣泛使用「主題結構分析法」作為分析篇章結構的工具。少數學者發現若將此分析方法運用於教學上,可收增進語言學習者寫作能力之效用。 本實驗以四十名研究生為研究對象,對其中二十五位學生進行「主題結構分析法」的教學,以便評估「主題結構分析法」在英語寫作課程中的可行性及接受度。此研究設計了一系列結構分析法的教學活動與方法,經由檢視學生文章中句子主題(sentence topic)的平行結構(parallel progression)、接續結構(sequential progression)與延伸平行結構(extended parallel progression),探討此三種結構對於篇章連貫性的影響,並透過分析學習者之文章與回朔訪談等方式來研究學習者對於『連貫性』此一概念的認知,以及評估「主題結構分析法」的學習成效。 研究結果顯示「主題結構分析法」可以幫助學生了解並修正本身寫作連貫性之問題。藉由檢視修改前、後的文章,發現學生在主題發展及連貫性上有明顯的改進,學生學習了「主題結構分析法」後,在文章連貫性的單項得分及寫作總分上皆有顯著的進步。由此可證明「主題結構分析法」的教學設計能夠有效改進學生英文寫作能力以及寫作連貫性。另外,從問卷以及訪談的結果得知,大多數的學生對於「主題結構分析法」的學習都抱持肯定的態度與想法,並表示此分析法不僅增進了他們改寫文章的能力,亦提高其對於寫作連貫性的知覺。其次,改寫策略的問卷結果顯示透過學習「主題結構分析法」,學生對於文章改寫展現出更為積極自主的態度。


Coherence instruction has long played a significant role in the writing classroom since many learners, even with a good command of grammatical knowledge, still lack the ability to compose fluent and well-organized essays. Although the importance of coherence in writing has been recognized in most EFL or ESL writing textbooks, it is mainly introduced or represented as a list of transitional devices. Learners, therefore, have a deficiency in their knowledge of coherence and display limited ability in writing more effectively and successfully. Due to the possibility of insufficiency in teaching as well as the need to uncover a heuristic tool which could help our learners handle coherence problems, this study focuses on evaluating the efficacy of giving instruction in Topical Structure Analysis (TSA) as a revision strategy. Data included multi-dimensional questionnaires and essays. Forty EFL graduate students in the fields of Science and Engineering were divided into the control and experimental group. Twenty-five students in the experimental group were introduced to the TSA, receiving in-class practice in identifying T-units, selecting topics and comments, and determining different types of progressions in a discourse. They were required to apply TSA in their revision process. Their writing essays, including drafts and revisions were analyzed to investigate whether or not there was any modification in the topical progressions. The essays were further compared between groups with special attention paid to students’ performance in the scoring of coherence and overall writing quality. In addition to the writing samples, questionnaires about learners’ English writing learning experiences and their perspectives and difficulties regarding TSA instruction were elicited via questionnaires and interviews. The findings show that students receiving instruction in TSA had better performance on topical progressions. In the revised essays, more proportions and better quality parallel progressions, sequential progressions, and extended parallel progressions were found to contribute to better overall coherence. In regard to students’ attitudes toward and perceptions of learning this self-revision strategy, students report positive feedback in terms of learning and applying TSA. Many of them reported that TSA helps them to reorganize the essay as well as to examine coherence between sentences. Moreover, in terms of the guidance given by this strategy, they are more aware of the relations between sentence topics and the overall discourse topics. In addition to the positive findings for students’ changes in information organization, the results indicate that instruction in TSA results in students’ awareness of coherent writing as well as motivating them to become more responsible writers. The results gathered from the revising strategy questionnaire show that students with the TSA instruction display different attitudes in the revising process. Instead of merely depending on teachers’ comments and guidance, students participate in the revising process more actively and are inspired to interpret coherence using a new perspective. The results of the study may not only shed light on EFL writing, but also contribute toward the understanding of this discourse-based approach as an alternative teaching and learning device for coherent writing.


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