  • 學位論文


Numeral Phrase in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 蔡維天


本文討論漢語數量詞組的分布,特別是數量詞組跟相關的名詞組分隔出現的時候的分布。總共有四個情形:第一、數量詞組出現在動詞前面,表達句首名詞組的整體數量(A組);第二、數量詞組在動詞後面,句首的名詞組表達種類的語意(B組);第三、數量詞組在動詞後面,表達句首名詞組的部分數量(C組);第四、數量詞組在動詞前面,跟「有」搭配,表達句首名詞組的部分數量(D組)。因為數量詞組是用來表示名詞組的量,所以這兩個詞組通常合成一個成分,但是上面的四組顯示數量詞組沒有跟名詞組搭配而單獨出現,跟它相關的名詞組則在別的地方出現。這樣的語言現象產生一個問題:在數量詞組與名詞組分隔出現的時候,如何說明其語意關係?   為了解釋這個問題,我們參考對浮動量化詞組已有的研究,即擱淺分析和狀語分析。但若我們用這兩種方法來分析A組的情形,就會發現這些分析都有一些問題。因此,本文提出新的分析法,即論元分析。在論元分析之下,數量詞組在動詞的論元位置原位合併,而相關的名詞組佔據主題或者其他非論元的位置。這個分析方法能夠說明A組數量詞組的分布,也抓住A組和C-D組在結構上的平行。至於B組,我們可以用擱淺分析和論元分析來說明表種類的名詞組在句法上的表現。   C組和D組的例子表示整體-部分的語意關係:名詞組表達整體,而數量詞組表達部分。為了解釋數量詞組表部分的語意,我們假設數量詞組外層的限定詞組是由空限定詞充當中心語的詞組,而且這個空限定詞有兩個特色:一個是它的回指性,另外一個是它一定被運算子約束或者佔據特定位置而得到語意。這個運算子包含表部分的「有」。雖然部分的「有」跟呈現的「有」稍微不一樣,但在句法上這兩個都可以被視為助動詞。也就是說,部分的「有」帶一個子句(或者動詞組)論元。在詞法以及句法上的證據都支持這個看法。   最後,我們討論韓語數量詞組的分布。雖然漢語跟韓語在句法上有很大的不同,但是在觀察跟漢語的四組相對應的韓語例子之後,我們發現這兩個語言的數量詞組的表現在很多地方相似。有些不同的地方是由格標誌的存在有無以及基本語序不同等等原本句法上的差異而引起的。


This dissertation discusses distribution of numeral phrases (NumPs) in Mandarin Chinese, especially the distribution of NumPs which are away from their related NPs. There are four cases: the first one is that the NumP precedes the verb and expresses the whole quantity of the related NP in the front of the construction (Group A); the second one is that the NumP precedes the verb and the NP has a kind-denoting reading (Group B); the third one is that the NumP is preceded by the verb and expresses a part of the NP (Group C); the fourth one is that the NumP precedes the verb, co-occurring with you ‘have’, and also has a part-of reading (Group D). Since the NumP is used for indicating the quantity of the NP, the two phrases are usually presented in a form of one constituent. However, the above four cases show that the NumP can occur in isolation without the nearby NP, which may occur elsewhere. This phenomenon leads to a question: how can we explain the semantic relation between the NumP and its related NP when they are separated?   In order to answer this question, we refer to the analyses of floating quantifiers, i.e., the stranding analysis and the adverbial analysis. When these analyses are applied to Group A, however, some problems are found. Hence, this study proposes a new analysis, i.e., the argument analysis. Under this analysis, the NumP is originally merged in the VP, and the related NP occurs in topic positions or other A’- positions. This analysis can explain the distribution of NumPs in Group A, and furthermore can catch the parallelism between Group A and Groups C and D. As for Group B, we can explain the grammatical behavior of the kind-denoting NPs with the stranding analysis and the argument analysis. Groups C and D exhibit the part-whole relationship, i.e., the NP expresses the whole and the NumP the part. We assume that the DP outside the NumP has an empty determiner as a head. This empty determiner has two properties: one is anaphoricity, the other is that it should be bound by the operator or occur in a specific position for semantic interpretation. The operator includes partial you ‘have’. Although this you is a little different from existential you, the two can be classified as auxiliaries. In other words, the partial you takes a clausal argument. The morphological and grammatical evidence supports this view. This study also discusses the distribution of NumPs in Korean. Mandarin and Korean are different, but after observing the Korean examples corresponding to Groups A-D in Mandarin, we found that NumPs’ behaviors of the two languages are similar in many ways. Some distinct parts are due to the basic differences such as the existence of case markers and the word order, etc.


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