  • 學位論文


A Systematic Framework for Pricing Decision

指導教授 : 簡禎富


定價決策的好壞影響了企業的存亡。定價問題除了要設定合理的價格使買賣雙方都認同,更可當作市場競爭的工具,藉由定價擊退競爭者,以追求公司成長,或與競爭者在市場上共同生存,以滿足市場需求。定價決策的關鍵因素因市場結構不同而異。在完全競爭市場價格由供需曲線來決定,因此完全競爭市場的廠商被稱為價格的接受者(Price taker);而在獨占市場中的廠商,其產品具有獨特性不需擔心其他對手的價格競爭,廠商可分析個別消費者對於產品的知覺價值以實施差別定價(Price discrimination),亦即廠商對於價格制定擁有較大的權力,因此被稱為價格的制定者(Price maker)。然而,大部份的產業屬於寡占市場,在價格的制定上,不僅需考量整體產業的需求和成本,以及自身有限的產量之外,對於競爭對手的反應和顧客對價格反應的預估,也都會影響定價決策的制定。另一方面,實證研究顯示,價格的波動相較成本和銷售量的變動對於公司利潤的影響最為顯著,因此提升定價決策品質的同時,對於公司的獲利也會有明顯的助益。 定價決策問題非單一部門的決策問題,其涉及的層面很廣,包含經濟、市場研究和行銷,一般可將定價決策區分為「產業」、「市場」和「交易」三個層次。此外定價決策問題亦會隨著產品生命週期更迭而變化。由於既有文獻大多針對某一層次進行定價決策分析,亦或探討產品生命週期不同階段的定價模式,未能有一結合不同層面的定價議題,並同時考量產品生命週期各階段的定價問題。 本研究目的為整合產業、市場和交易三個層次的定價議題,以及產品生命週期的思考維度,針對寡占市場建立「定價決策分析架構」,產生在不同產業環境、不同競爭優勢以及不同產品生命週期階段下的「定價策略評估表」,並藉由應用案例來驗證其可行性。本研究之「定價決策分析架構」能縮短決策者找到解決方案的歷程,並提供決策者系統化的思考方式,以提升定價決策的品質。


市場結構 定價 決策分析 定價策略 寡占


The pricing decision affects the demand and profitability of an enterprise. On one hand, the pricing decisions aim to meet the reasonable range of price for both the suppliers and customers in light of capacity supply and demand. On the other hand, pricing decision can serve as a strategic driving force to coexist with competitors or even expel them from this competitive market. Meanwhile, the critical factors of pricing decision are different with the corresponding market structures. Although the fluctuations in price have more significant impact on the profit than the cost and sales do, little research has been done to improve the quality of pricing decisions. This study aims to integrate the concept of product life cycle into alternative pricing levels. Indeed, the pricing decisions are multi-laterals that are affected by different factors at the industrial economy level, marketing level, and the sales at transaction level. Also, the pricing decision also varies with the product life cycle (PLC). In particular, a systematic decision framework was constructed to generate alternative pricing decision strategies in light of various decision elements. Also, an example of pricing decision in oligopoly market was constructed to estimate the validity of this study. Further study should be done to assist the decision maker to create a rational price strategy based on the systematic framework provided in this research and thus to promote the overall decision quality of pricing decision for company profitability and growth.


劉怡伶、閻蕙群(2000),定價聖經,藍鯨,台北。譯自Dolan, R. J. and H. Simon, (1996) Power Pricing: How Managing Price Transforms the Bottom Line。


蒯彥良 (2010). 定價模式之系統架構-以DRAM產品為例 [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-1901201111393318
