  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationships among Thinking Style, Media Perception and Knowledge Sharing Performance on Higher-aged Women

指導教授 : 朱如君


網路與智慧型手機的普及,社群媒體的使用人數增加,社群平台扮演著生活中重要的角色。社群網站容易匯集興趣相同的使用者,使用者們互相交換資訊,進而就能建構出自己的學習網絡,知識的分享對於學習網絡的建構佔有很重要的角色。過去的研究較少專門探討中高齡婦女在Facebook上的學習情形,因此,本研究希望把焦點放在中高齡婦女在Facebook上透過分享來學習的行為,主要透過不同思考風格的中高齡婦女來瞭解其在Facebook知識分享上的成效,且進一步探討媒介認知的不同是否會影響不同思考風格的中高齡婦女對於Facebook知識分享的成效。本研究以Facebook的45歲以上女性使用者為研究對象,透過網路問卷進行資料蒐集。研究結果摘要如下: 一、不同背景之中高齡婦女在思考風格功能面無差異 二、不同背景之中高齡婦女在知識分享成效以及媒介認知上並無不同 三、不同思考風格功能面的中高齡婦女在知識分享成效上並無不同,但在社群平台的媒介認知上有所差異 四、中高齡婦女對於社群平台的媒介認知越高,知識分享的成效越好 五、社群平台的溝通介面並不影響中高齡婦女知識的瞭解與應用 六、中高齡婦女在社群平台上的溝通效能與知識分享成效較相關 基於上述的研究結論提出討論,希望提供相關學習者、相關學習平台機構以及未來研究者良好的建議與幫助。


With the popularity of the Internet and smart phones, the number of users of social media has increased. Social media plays an important role in life. It is easy to gather users with the same interests. Users exchange information with each other to construct their own personal learning network. In the past, there were few studies devoted to the Learning Behavior of higher-aged women on Facebook, and thus this study focuses on the behavior of higher-aged women learning through knowledge sharing on Facebook. To understand the knowledge sharing performance on Facebook via higher-aged women with different thinking styles, we explored the influence of media perception on the knowledge sharing performance. We collected data from Facebook female users who are over 45 years old by the online questionnaire. The major findings were as the following: (1) On higher-aged women, the function of thinking styles makes no difference in different backgrounds. (2) On higher-aged women, the knowledge sharing performance and the media perception make no difference in different backgrounds. (3) Different thinking style makes no difference in knowledge sharing performance, but there are differences in the media perception for higher-aged women. (4) On higher-aged women, the higher media perception, the better knowledge sharing performance. (5) The communication interface of the social media does not affect the understanding and utilization of knowledge of higher-aged women. (6) The communication effectiveness of higher-aged women is more related to knowledge sharing performance. Finally, according to the results of this study, advices were provided for relevant learners, relevant learning institutions and future researchers.


一、 中文部分
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