  • 學位論文


New Drama Movement Genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association during Japanese Occupation Period (1921-1936)

指導教授 : 劉柳書琴


日治時期台灣在1920、1930年由知識階級參與演出的「新劇」或「文化劇」,受西方文明刺激產生的新文化運動影響而興起,其發展與台灣社會文化特質及歷史處境息息相關。自從台灣文化協會於1921年倡導新文化運動以來,台灣新劇運動開始發展,直到1937年進入皇民化戲劇時期之前為止。這段期間出現許多新劇社團,多數附屬於文化協會旗幟之下,少數是在最初受文化協會影響而成立,或主事者具文化協會會員身分,性質各異,但皆以戲劇改良及社會改革為目的,都屬於台灣新文化運動中的一環,共同建構台灣文化協會的演劇系譜。 過去相關的研究成果已大致確認台灣新劇運動與政治社會運動互為表裡的事實,本論文則進一步從個人與劇團、劇團與政治社會運動的社會網絡關係出發,辨識劇團的屬性及發展過程,試圖更完整、更細緻地釐清台灣新劇運動的全貌。 本論文指出,台灣文化協會演劇系譜起於1921年,結束於1936年。在這個系譜的發軔時期,首先在1922年至1923年有東京台灣青年會的學生戲劇嘗試,接著在1923年冬天出現具組織性的新劇結社,之後全台各地劇團陸續出現。各劇團的成員大多是具有公學校基礎教育的知識階級,具有地緣性、學緣性的關係,在相同的身分階級或政治社會理念下集結而成。劇團之間因成員的交流或派別的合作,使戲劇養分具有支援、傳遞的連續性質。 這個系譜裡的劇團大致可以分為兩類。第一類是與政治社會運動團體有關的劇團,皆附屬於政治社會運動團體,受政治力的作用影響。愈左派的劇團,受政治壓制的力道愈強,消失得愈快;左傾程度較弱的劇團,則可以保持較久的戲劇活動。具體而言,新文協派的劇團大部分在1928年官方壓制下停止活動,而民眾黨派的劇團則晚至1931年民眾黨遭解散前後失去舞台。 第二類是與政治社會運動團體無關的劇團,其中再依母會附屬團體的有無分為兩類。附屬型劇團以公益募款、社區營造為目的,以戲劇表演為母會團體服務。此類的劇團,不論是附屬型或非附屬型,都不具有政治社會運動色彩,未受到1928年及1931年兩波官方壓制影響,能夠在1930年代持續保有演出能量,直到1936年因戰爭時局變化而自然退場,使台灣文化協會演劇系譜走到終點。 此時仍有一些志在演出的劇團,在1937年轉型為皇民化劇團,戲劇精神與台灣新文化運動背道而馳,已不能納入台灣文化協會演劇系譜之中。 從這個系譜可以看出台灣新劇運動是基於政治宣傳而誕生。亦即,台灣新劇運動是一批熱心政治的台灣青年受「新劇」這個新媒體所吸引,將西方現代戲劇的現實批判精神應用於現實中的政治社會運動,以達成思想宣傳的目的所發展出的戲劇運動。台灣文化劇、日本新派劇、中國文明戲的創始期都有這個相同的特點。 不過,相較於日本新派劇、中國文明戲經過創始期之後發展出獨自的戲劇形態而進入成熟期,台灣文化劇因殖民政府的取締壓制,戲劇藝術的發展受到干擾中斷,未能發展出完整的戲劇形態,沒有機會進入成熟期。然而,許多不具有政治色彩的劇團因未受打壓,在1930年代仍保有演出機會,使戲劇養分持續醞釀,甚至到了1940年代皇民化戲劇統制時期,短暫出現了一些出自台灣人之手、具有台灣民族主體意識的寫實主義戲劇。這些戲劇的出現,說明的是1921年以來的台灣新劇運動的道路雖然荊棘滿佈,但已播下足以開花結果的種子。 因此,我們從台灣文化協會演劇系譜看出台灣新劇運動的意義是:它以新的載體傳播思想現代性,同時也達到戲劇現代性的傳播作用。也就是,1920、1930年的「新劇」或「文化劇」,是台灣新文化運動除了演講、報紙之外另一項宣傳利器,在政治社會運動發展上升期,發揮了文化啟蒙作用;另一方面,它也達到戲劇現代性的傳播作用,使得因政治社會運動而興起的新劇,未隨著政治社會運動的衰退而中斷,在政治社會運動發展下降期的1930年代,仍然保有演出能量,使新劇觀念及舞台經驗得到累積與傳承,並且從台灣人的主體性出發,對於戲劇進行再生產,創造了日治時期台灣人獨有的戲劇風貌。


Taiwan New Drama or called Cultural Drama in 1920, 1930’s was led by Taiwanese intellectuals, and occurred by New cultural movement that was stimulated by western civilization, and its development was closely linked with the social cultural traits and history condition. Since Taiwan Cultural Association promoted New cultural movement in 1921, Taiwan new drama movement began to develop until 1937. In this period, many drama groups established, and almost of them were the affiliated units of Taiwan cultural association. These drama groups had the same purpose to improvement drama and reform the social cultural. The drama practice performed by these drama groups established the theatre genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association. The research results showed the fact that Taiwan new drama movement and political movement were interlinked. I further used the social network method to realize the property and developing process of each drama group in order to clarify the complete picture of Taiwan new drama movement. I pointed out that the theatre genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association began in 1921, and ended in 1936. In the beginning of this theatre genealogy, overseas students’ theatre activities of Tokyo Taiwan Youth Association in the early 1920’s were the first attempt of Taiwan new drama movement. After the first organized drama group appeared in winter 1923, some drama groups established gradually. Most of the drama group members had elementary education background at least. They gathered under the same status class or political ideas. The interaction or cooperation between members or groups made the art nutrition to be transfer and supported. The drama groups of the theatre genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association can be divided to two types. The first type is the social movement organization related drama group, and the second is the social movement organization unrelated one. The first type is the subsidiary drama group of the social movement organization, and particularly susceptible to attached to the political power. The drama group has more left-wing idea always received harder political repression. On the contrary, the drama group has less left-wing idea received weaker political repression. In fact, the drama groups belonged to New Taiwan Cultural Association received harder political repression, and stopped in 1928. The drama groups belonged to Taiwan People Party received weaker repression, and survival until 1931. The second type, the social movement organization unrelated drama group, is divided to two subtypes: one is subsidiary drama group, and the other one is non- subsidiary drama group. Both of them didn’t receive political repression, and continued to engage in drama activities until 1936, the ending year of New drama movement genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association. Some drama groups became the Japanization drama groups in the Japanization movement in order to continue the drama activities. Their dramatic spirit performed by Japanization drama groups cannot be subordinated to New drama movement genealogy of Taiwan Cultural Association, because of the opposite-directed dramatic spirit. This new drama movement genealogy showed us a character that Taiwan new drama movement was occurred by the ppolitical propaganda. In other word, some ppolitical enthusiasts were absorbed by the new drama style, and further applied the critical spirit of the western modern theatre to the social movement in Taiwan in order to complete their propaganda purpose. This character also can be seen in China crude stage plays (Wen Ming Xi) and Japan Shinpa plays. After the initiation stage, China crude stage plays and Japan Shinpa plays completed the unique performance in the maturity stage. In other hand, Taiwan New Drama could not carry out its own performance because of the political repression, and had no chance to enter the maturity stage. But, some drama groups continued drama activities in 1930’s, and some Taiwanese consciousness plays performed by Taiwanese in 1940’s. These plays showed us that the art nutrition cultivated since the year of 1921 was been transferred consecutively. We can find out the meaning of Taiwan new drama movement from the theatre genealogy of Taiwan cultural association. Taiwan new drama movement spread not only the modernity of thinking and ideas but also the modernity of drama. In other words, Taiwan New Drama or called Cultural Drama in 1920, 1930’s is the effective propaganda tool beside the speeches and newspapers, and also spread the modernity of drama in 1920’, the rising period of the social movement, . The drama activities was continued to be performed in 1930’s, the falling period of the social movement, and kept the drama ideas and experience can be accumulated and transferred, and conducted the arts reproduction to show the Taiwanese identity.


丁敏,《行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 漢譯大小乘佛典中神通故事的敘事研究(第2年)研究成果報告(完整版)》(台北:政治大學中文系,2009)。
