  • 學位論文


A Study of Mortuary Behavior of Human Sacrifice in Late Shang at Anyang Yinxu Xibeigang based on Physical Anthropological Analysis of the Skulls

指導教授 : 李匡悌 邱鴻霖


本論文研究以考古學脈絡分析及體質人類學方法來觀測安陽殷墟西北岡祭祀坑出土的344件頭骨,試圖透過人群內部差異與祭祀儀式變遷的討論,探討晚商的祭祀與殉葬行為。過去考古學者在殷墟研究上多著重於巨觀的議題,如文明的起源、國家的形成、社會制度與社會組織等。而在殷墟發掘的過程中,西北岡王陵區周圍出土了大量殉葬人骨的祭祀坑,學者多以體質人類學角度研究祭祀坑出土人骨的種系與來源議題,唯忽略了祭祀行為的歷時變化,將異時限的材料置於同時限上進行分析討論。本研究立基於歷史研究對於晚商祭祀儀式的認識,使用墓葬的類型學與層位學分析時空脈絡,在此基礎上以體質人類學病理觀察,並運用齒冠測量值血緣關係分析法檢視可能的親疏關係,討論祭祀犧牲者的選用問題以及晚商的祭祀與殉葬行為。 分析結果顯示,西北岡祭祀坑屬於殷墟前期的祭祀遺留,根據出土脈絡,被埋葬者的身份為人牲,主要是成年早期與成年的男性。齒冠測量值血緣關係分析法結果指出僅有少數血緣關係相近的人牲被埋葬於相近時間的祭祀遺留。口腔病理分析顯示,各個祭祀坑叢集的線性琺瑯質發育不全及牙周病的盛行率接近。綜合上述分析結果,祭祀犧牲者的選用對象是以來自於相似生活環境的成年早期至成年的男性為主。此外,血緣關係相近的人牲隨機分布在各個祭祀坑中,代表人牲在被俘虜後,曾於殷墟周圍生活一段時間,而非俘虜後立即殺祭。祭祀的考古學遺留觀察發現,早期的祭祀坑類型單一、數量眾多,以殺祭人牲為主,晚期則出現類型多樣的小墓,且殉葬與殺牲祭祀同時出現,數量較少,從考古遺留上觀察到晚商祭祀儀式動態且複雜的樣貌。


This study examines 344 skulls found in sacrificial pits at Anyang Yinxu Xibeigang with archaeology and physical anthropological studies. It explores the mortuary behaviors of the Late Shang period by analyzing the internal differences within the human victims and the changes in sacrificial rituals. In the past, archaeologists often addressed the research of Yinxu in the microscopic levels, such as the origin of civilization, the formation of states, and the social institutions and organizations. During the excavation of Yinxu, a large number of sacrificial pits containing human victims was found at Xibeigang royal cemetery. Physical anthropology was often applied to the investigation into the resources of the human victims from the synchronic perspective, in which the diachronic changes of mortuary behaviors were nevertheless neglected. Based on historical research on the sacrificial rituals of the Late Shang period, this study inquires into the burials’ temporal and spatial contexts with typology and stratigraphy. Specifically, with the help of dental pathology and tooth crown measurements, I reconstruct the genetic relations between the victims. Furthermore, I discuss the selection of the human victims and the mortuary behaviors. The results show that Xibeigang sacrificial pits are the early remains of the Late Shang period. The human sacrifices are mainly males, ranging from 18 to 35 years old. Kinship analysis based on tooth crown measurements shows that a few human sacrifices with a closer relationship were buried around the same time. As for dental pathology, the prevalence rate of linear enamel hypoplasia and periodontal disease are similar. Two conclusions could be drawn. First, the human sacrifices had lived around Yinxu for some time, rather than being killed immediately, after the capture, for that they came from a similar environment and that those who have a closer genetic relationship were randomly distributed in different sacrificial pits. Second, the sacrificial remains points to the dynamics and complexity of sacrificial behaviors of the Shang dynasty. In the Early Shang period, the sacrificial pits are typologically monotonous but numerically large, and are mostly sacrifices of human beings, while in the Late Shang, various but small, and are human sacrifices as well as human beings who follow the fidelity to death.


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2003 〈中國考古學・夏商卷〉。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
