  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Career Adaptability, Goal Orientation and Emotional Intelligence for High School Students

指導教授 : 高淑芳


本研究企圖檢驗高中生的目標導向及情緒智能對其生涯適應力有的可能關聯模式,以及高中生的個人目標導向、情緒智能與生涯適應力有無性別差異或年級差異性。本研究使用「生涯適應力量表」、「目標導向量表」與「中學生情緒智能量表」為工具,採問卷調查法,取樣高中學生500名。所得資料以多變量變異數分析檢視高中生在生涯適應力、目標導向及情緒智能的性別差異與年級差異性,以積差相關檢視目標導向、情緒智能分別與生涯適應力向度之關聯性,最後以多元迴歸分析檢驗目標導向與情緒智能各向度對各生涯適應力向度的預測性。 本研究結果主要發現:(一)高中生在生涯適應力與個別目標導向均有性別差異與年級差異,情緒智能則無顯著的性別的差異與年級差異。(二)不同目標導向與各生涯適應力向度間存有不同的相關性樣態。(三)情緒智能各向度與生涯適應力各向度間皆有顯著正相關。(四)高中生的性別、年級、目標導向向度與情緒智能向度可以一起顯著解釋各生涯適應力向度變異量達35.4%~39.6%,但具顯著預測組合元素者則不盡相同。 綜合本研究結果,說明了趨向精熟目標導向促進生涯適應力,但逃避表現目標導向卻有礙生涯適應力,不同情緒智能元素對培養生涯適應力扮演著不同重要且正向角色。因此,本研究建議應在高中端加入情緒教育相關課程,調整學生目標導向,有助於提升個體的生涯適應力,面對生涯轉換過程有較好的生涯決策、規劃、探索或自信。 關鍵詞:高中生、生涯發展、生涯適應力、目標導向、情緒智能


The present study aimed to examine the relationships among career adaptabilities, goal orientations and emotional intelligences for high school students, as well as the possible gender and grade differences. A total of 500 senior high school students in Taiwan were sampled, and the questionnaires of “Career Adapt-Abilities Scale,” “Individual Goal Orientations Scale,” and “Emotional Intelligence Scale for High School Students” were employed in this study. The obtained data was analyzed by using multivariate variance analyses, Pearson correlations, and multiple regressions. The main findings of the study are: First, high school students' career adaptabilities and goal orientations showed gender differences and grade differences, while their emotional intelligences did not appear gender differences nor grade differences. Second, there were different correlation patterns between the types of goal orientations and the aspects of career adaptabilities. Third, there were significantly positive correlations between the traits of emotional intelligences and the aspects of career adaptabilities. Fourth, high school students' sex, grades, the types of goal orientations, and the traits of emotional intelligences together could significantly explain the variances of each aspect of career adaptabilities up to 35.4%~39.6%. The results of the study imply that the approach-mastery goal orientation promotes career adaptability, but avoidance-performance goal orientation hinders career adaptability. The results also denote that the traits of emotional intelligences play important and positive roles in career adaptabilities. Therefore, it is suggested that adding emotional education-related courses in school and adjusting students' goal orientation will help to improve students’ career adaptabilities and to have better career decision-making, planning, exploration, and self-confidence in career transition. Keywords: senior high school student, career adaptability, goal orientation, emotional intelligence


