  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Work Values and Job Performance – The Case of ITRI’s Staff

指導教授 : 史欽泰 余士迪


每個人對於生活周遭的人、事、物都會有自我主觀的意識判斷,這些思維、想法或觀點反應在工作上時就成為工作價值觀,關聯著個人對於工作業務的喜好或重視程度、投入狀況、優先順序等,這中間會形成系統交互影響,並驅使人們對工作做出偏好選擇,產生自己的觀念或感受影響個人的工作類型、發展及工作態度,進而決定工作績效表現。 工業技術研究院(以下簡稱工研院)屬於非營利事業單位、員工超過六千人,為國際級應用研究機構,台灣高科技產業的傲人發展並在全球具有舉足輕重地位,這些成績與工研院有著不可分的關係,同時也代表工研院全體員工所產出之整體績效對於國家是有貢獻、有影響力的;本篇論文將以工研院員工為研究對象進行問卷抽樣調查,透過統計分析方法進一步實證不同世代或背景的族群在同一個組織、環境及制度下工作,並共同為組織的目標努力,其個人所重視的工作價值觀構面與工作績效關聯性及影響狀況。 本研究針對工研院員工發放網路問卷共計 254 份,回收有效問卷205 份,有效問卷回收率80.7%,研究結果為:(一)不同性別對於內在價值觀有顯著差異、管理/行政類的員工對內在價值及附加價值構面出現差異。(二)不同的性別在工作績效(工作能力、團隊合作及專業學習)三構面中具有影響力、年齡對工作績效(專業學習)構面產生影響、工作類別(管理/行政、工程/研究) 對工作績效具有差異性。(三) 重視內在價值觀員工的工作績效表現較佳。 本論文研究結果顯示,工研院員工的工作價值觀確實對於工作績效存在顯著差異,因此工作價值觀對組織的績效優劣有其關鍵影響,本研究透過驗證的結論進一步提出管理實務建議,希望藉由注重工作價值觀的影響力來對組織績效有所助益,進而協助組織獲得長期競爭優勢。


Every person has their subjective interpretations of people, events, and things in daily life. When placed in a work environment, these mindsets or perspectives become work values. Work values can affect the individual’s preferences and priorities at work, how important their work is to them, and how much effort they are willing to invest into it. And these items may systematically affect one another. The above-mentioned factors lead to preferences and choices individuals make at work, generate personal mindsets or emotions which affect the individual’s work type, development, and work attitude, and consequently determine work performance. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is an international-level application research NPO with over six thousand employees. The Institute is one of the reasons why Taiwan’s high-tech industry has outstanding performance and plays a crucial role in the global arena. This also indicates the overall performance of the entire staff at ITRI is beneficial to the nation and has certain impact. For this study, we conducted a questionnaire sample survey with ITRI employees as research subjects. We then used statistical analysis methods to observe the relevance and impact between personal work value and work performance of a group of people from different generations or backgrounds working in the same institution and environment, under the same organizational structure, and jointly working toward the Institution’s goal. The research handed out 254 questionnaires to ITRI employees. There were 205 valid questionnaires returned (80.7% valid questionnaire return rate). The research results are as follows: 1. Different genders have obvious differences in terms of intrinsic value. Employees working in management/administration divisions show differences in intrinsic values and additional values. 2. Gender differences affect three aspects of work performance (work capabilities, teamwork, and professional learning). Age affects work performance (professional learning). Work performance may vary due to work type (management/administration, engineering/research). 3. Employees who value intrinsic values perform better at work. According to this study, the work value of ITRI employees can significantly affect work performance; therefore work value is crucial in whether the organization’s performance is good or bad. Based on these results, the study provides practical management suggestions: organizations can improve their performance and gain long-term competitiveness if they pay attention to the effects of work value.


work value work performance


李訓明,曹國賢,簡睿志(2004)。非營利組織績效之探討。非營利組織管理學刊。第 6 期,34、48頁。
