  • 學位論文


Competitive Pricing Strategy Research of Mixed Retail and E-tail Distribution Channels

指導教授 : 溫于平博士


近年來,隨著網際網路的迅速發展,電子購物行為也日趨普遍。由於透過網際網路,賣方可以利用低成本去廣泛行銷商品,因此愈來愈多的生產者開始自行建置電子零售通路,以較低的價格售賣所生產的商品,但除之而來的,是對於傳統零售業者的價格競爭,造成生產者與零售者之間的通路衝突問題。 本研究的目的,是從零售者的角度,去提出讓傳統零售通路的獲利得到改善的策略。研究方法是建置一組線性需求函數,利用史坦伯格賽局手法去分析兩個通路的獲利,並針對此問題作出短期及長期的分析。短期而言,我們分析「等價協定」的可行性,發現在電子通路導入初期,兩個通路間利用「等價協定」可以有效減低通路衝突,並讓兩者的獲利得到改善。但長期而言,電子通路商執行「等價協定」的成本會愈來愈大,因此本研究分析在各自訂價的情況下,傳統零售者的改善策略。 本研究利用數學方法推導出在一定條件下,傳統零售者可以透過服務水準的改善來減少電子零售通路價格的威脅,並利用例子去驗證此策略的效果,發現在各種市場條件或產品生命週期的情況下,傳統零售業者只要符合推導條件,都可以利用此策略改善本身的獲利。


In the recent years, the Internet has been developed rapidly such that a lot of companies can sell their own product on the Internet. By the e-tail channel, manufacturers can sell the product in a lower price. However, from the traditional retailers’ view, it establish the channel conflict to them. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss what strategy the retailer can be made in order to compete with the e-tail channel. In the thesis, we will construct a linear demand model to describe the comparative advantage and the competition between the two channels and solve the problem by using Stackelberg Game Theory process. For short term analysis, we verify the equal pricing policy and we find that it can alleviate the channel conflict and improve the profit of the two channels. For long term analysis, we find out the conditions which are benefit to the retailer to promote his service level in a mathematical way. We also show that the retailer really improves his own profit by promoting the service level appropriately by several numerical experiments. Finally, some management insights will be also discussed in this thesis.


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