  • 學位論文


Managing the Dilemma Between Own Branding and OEM in D-Link:A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

指導教授 : 洪世章


本研究主要探討之議題為品牌與代工衝突現象,選定友訊科技為標的,觀察友訊自1986年成立至今所面臨品牌與代工衝突的歷程,並依序分成三個時期來做探討:專注品牌業務經營時期(1986~1996),品牌與代工雙主軸策略時期(1997~2002),品牌與代工切割時期(2003~迄今),並以Teece, Pisano and Shuen(1997)等人所發展之動態能力架構加以分析友訊是如何解決代工與品牌之衝突。藉由探詢Teece, Pisano and Shuen(1997)之動態能力理論三要素(流程、定位與路徑),定義其中互動關係及影響範圍,瞭解動態能力對於組織之路徑形塑之過程。理論發展上,將運用Teece, Pisano and Shuen(1997)所提出動態能力之實質意涵,包括組織或管理流程(process)、組織的資產與定位(position)、過去發展的路徑(path)等構面,作為分析友訊科技的指標。研究結果發現友訊科技不但可敏銳偵測環境的契機及改變,更可快速彈性的調整本身組織結構加以因應,並仰賴過去在路徑上所累積技術及人才,使得友訊順利解決品牌與代工之衝突,切割之後的明泰和友訊均有亮眼的表現。本文最後討論理論、實務意涵,以及未來研究建議。


The topic of this research focuses on the conflict between own branding and OEM in D-Link, which is the No.1 Networking manufacturer in Taiwan. The conflict between own branding and OEM had existed in D-Link for a long time. Till 2003,top management had decided to divide OEM from D-Link and establish ALPHA. Since then, D-Link has become a pure branding company. The evolution of D-Link could be separated into three stages:(1) Focus on branding, 1986~1996. (2) Adopt Dual-Axis strategy to catch branding business and OEM, 1997~2002. (3) Divide OEM from D-Link, 2003~. I choose the dynamic capabilities theory as the framework and to analyze D-Link how to manage the dilemma between own branding and OEM. I pick some events to do the analysis which base on three dimension in dynamic capabilities theory:process, position, and path. Managerial and organizational processes refer to the way things are done in the firm, or what might be referred to as its routines, or pattern of current practice and learning. Positions refer to its current specific endowments of technology, intellectual property, complementary assets, customer base, and its external relations with suppliers and complementors. Paths refer to the strategic alternatives available to the form, and the presence or absence of increasing returns and attendant path dependencies.


Dynamic capabilities Case study D-Link OBM OEM/ODM


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曹蘋文 (2011). The Marketing Activities of the OEM/ODM and OBM Companies in Taiwan [master's thesis, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-1908201112575915
