  • 學位論文


From solving problem to preventing risk: risk governance, helping profession and emotional labor of guidance regime

指導教授 : 林文蘭


本研究的問題意識是:為什麼學生的心理健康議題會被台灣社會建構成為風險問題,並且輔導體制透過什麼樣的鉅觀制度安排和微觀行動者來治理學生身心健康,從而產生區辨「正常/異常」的意識型態效果。政府單位標榜為了維護學生身心健康,在2014年確立〈學生輔導法〉並增置專任輔導老師,且依照三級預防輔導的架構針對學生問題進行預防、介入與處遇的行動;法規的制度設計創造一套把全體學生納入預防風險的輔導體制,有別於既有對於學生的規訓權力。 本研究的資料搜集方式包括:參與觀察、文本分析及深度訪談。研究者以志工的身分在一間中學的輔導室進行三個月的參與觀察,探察輔導室如何推行輔導業務,以及輔導老師與學生互動的情形。此外,本研究分析新聞文本補充學校輔導發展歷史的面向,並解析輔導教師使用的工具書、教育部頒布的工作手冊等文本,探尋其中對於「問題學生」的定義以及介入策略。本研究也訪談九位輔導老師在學校進行輔導工作的個人經驗,包含行政工作與個案服務,以了解輔導老師參與輔導體制運作的情況。 本研究的分析主軸分為三部分:輔導體制的風險治理、輔導工作的助人專業、輔導老師的情緒勞動,探討輔導教師如何操作輔導體制。首先在風險治理方面:描述輔導體制如何運作三級預防輔導,並解析風險視野下「需要關懷」的學生類屬。其次在助人專業方面:解釋輔導工作如何作為一種助人專業,其專業內容為何,他們提供給學生的互動式服務如何有別於其他教育工作者,以及其他助人專業,如:社工、心理師、精神醫師。第三在情緒勞動方面:探討作為專職處理個人情緒的專業,輔導教師如何使用輔導專業的情緒展演技藝,與個案經營諮商關係並達成讓學生符合「身心健康」的目的。 本研究探討輔導體制其中隱含對於學生「正常/身心健康」的社會想像,探究輔導體制治理學生的議題,有助於我們釐清輔導體制背後隱含的社會控制與社會規範意義,檢視學校為了維持社會秩序而正當化治理「問題」與「風險」的學生的行為。


In 2014, the Taiwan government approved the “Student Guidance and Counseling Act” commanding schools to increase number of counselors and according to the three stage structure of preventive counseling to establish a risk reduction guidance regime accessible to all students. This type of system differs from the previous practice in complexity of prevention, intervention and treatment of youth risk behavior. The research is concerned with the topic “Why Taiwanese society puts the topic of students’ mental health in the category of risk behavior and how the guidance regime treats the students’ health problems after classifying them as “normal/or abnormal”.” The analysis is divided into three main parts: the guidance regime risk governance, the helping profession of those who assist with the counseling and the emotional labor of the counselor. It scrutinizes the circumstances of the counselor’s work within the guidance regime. First, it describes the functioning of the three stages preventive counseling within the guidance regime and from the risk point of view investigates the categories of students that are classified as “at-risk”. Second, it discusses the topic how the counseling can become a helping profession and what is the content of this specialization, how the services provided to students differ from the specializations of a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist and an educator. Finally, it examines how in a profession that specializes in treating personal emotions, the counselors use the techniques for expressing feelings and emotions and based on each case offer counseling that helps students to comply with standards of “psychical and physical health”. Several data collection methods have been used in this research, including textual analysis, participant observation and in-depth interviewing. The first step of the research focused on the analysis of the counseling history of particular school, the manuals used by the counselors, guidebooks issued by the Ministry of Education etc. The study examines how these materials define “at-risk students” and what kind of intervention strategies these materials propose. The textual analysis of these materials is further compared and extended by the analysis concerning the youth incidents reports. Furthermore, the researcher selected one counseling office at secondary school where she worked as volunteer for three months in order to understand the everyday practice of the counseling office and to observe the interactions between the counselor and students. Finally, the researcher interviewed nine counselors with different background and recorded their experience regarding the administration and the counseling services to students based on particular cases in order to understand situation of counselors who participate in the guidance regime management. The research results indicate that the guidance regime is indirectly influenced by the public opinion concerning the definition of “normal/healthy” student. The discussion on the topic of student guidance regime management is helpful for clarifying of the social control and social norms hidden behind the guidance regime and for monitoring schools that in order to protect social order justify management of “problematic” and “risk” student behavior.


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